DePayFi / web3-mock

🤡 JavaScript library to mock web3 responses either by emulating web3 wallets or web3 RPC requests.
MIT License
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Receive invalid signer or provider when using JsonRpcProvider in mocks #35

Closed hubert-de-lalye closed 1 day ago

hubert-de-lalye commented 1 month ago

Trying this as instruction:

const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider('');

  blockchain: "arbitrum",
  provider: provider,
  request: {
    to: '0xfc5A1A6EB076a2C7aD06eD22C90d7E710E35ad0a',
    api: Token.abi,
    method: "balanceOf",
    params: "0x9f7198eb1b9Ccc0Eb7A07eD228d8FbC12963ea33",
    return: "1000000000000000000",

const contract = new ethers.Contract('0xfc5A1A6EB076a2C7aD06eD22C90d7E710E35ad0a', Token.abi, provider);

const data = await contract.balanceOf("0x9f7198eb1b9Ccc0Eb7A07eD228d8FbC12963ea33");


invalid signer or provider (argument="signerOrProvider", value={"_blockchain":"arbitrum"}, code=INVALID_ARGUMENT, version=contracts/5.7.0)

When I'm removing mock(...) - everything is fine, ethers make correct call and get correct response.

What am I doing wrong?

hubert-de-lalye commented 1 month ago

Just looked at package.json, and see ethers^5, does this library compatible with ethers >= 6?

0xNe0x1 commented 1 day ago


This library is designed to mock wallets, not providers, making it ideal for testing dApps. However, note that it won't mock anything that doesn't interact with window.ethereum or a wallet extension.

Currently, Ethers v6 and above is not supported. But since npm allows for multiple versions of dependencies to coexist, and this library includes a bundled version of Ethers, it shouldn't pose an issue for most use cases.