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Rewards page claim rewards button shows as disabled but it's actually not #401

Closed yuliaSharabi closed 2 weeks ago

yuliaSharabi commented 2 weeks ago

Step to reproduce: Connect your wallet to the Rewards page, while you do not have any rewards. Approve on the wallet app.

Excpected: None rewards appear on the webpage. The "claim ALL rewards" button is not clickable Actual: :The button is grayed out but it's still clickable. When I click the button it's initiated a trx on my wallet app. image

yuliaSharabi commented 2 weeks ago

Screencast from 2024-05-13 17-03-46.webm You can see here that even there is no rewards to claim, the buttom is clickable and a request to wallet is initiated.

dcts commented 2 weeks ago

Good catch, that is definately not intended! And you can actually claim empty rewards, you pay TX fees but claim nothing. So basically just burning TX fees lol.

dcts commented 2 weeks ago

Fixed by #405 , closing.

dcts commented 2 weeks ago

reopening until #405 is merged :)