Currently, our buy/sell panel is missing the percentage slider:
It should have the following specs:
the percentage slider represents the amount the user inputtet in proportion to their balance.
it sets the token2 for buy orders (independant of market or limit orders)
it sets the token1 for sell orders (independant of market or limit orders)
should trigger the token amount update on mouse release event
user should be able to click on the "0%", "25%", "50%", "75%" and "100%" labels, which should set the slider to the coresponding position and trigger the token amount update
if the user sets the amount using another input field, the slider should automatically compute the % amount that was specified.
Percentage should be capped at 100% (for cases where the user sets more than the available balance which will result in an error)
Currently, our buy/sell panel is missing the percentage slider:
It should have the following specs:
made by @maurojose. Please check the Figma file