To illustrate the issue here is my current deadbeef layout.
When I open a new terminal deadbeef resizes to this, which is not really an issue.
Now the problem is that when I close the new terminal deadbeef resizes to its original size, but fails to resize its layout appropriately leaving it for the user to do so manually, which quickly becomes tedious.
On spectrwm 2.7.2 I am running the gtk2 deadbeef 0.6.2 compiled from source with this patch (Which it won't compile without).
To illustrate the issue here is my current deadbeef layout.
When I open a new terminal deadbeef resizes to this, which is not really an issue.
Now the problem is that when I close the new terminal deadbeef resizes to its original size, but fails to resize its layout appropriately leaving it for the user to do so manually, which quickly becomes tedious.