DeadAirRT / deadair_eco

Complete redesign of DA economy diffs for a dynamic universe in X4: Foundations.
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The new economy: some observations #3

Open Vectorial1024 opened 1 week ago

Vectorial1024 commented 1 week ago

I got some hours with this mod enabled, and I am observing a new economic pattern in the game.

If I am not mistaken, the idea of this mod (compared with previous versions of "economy mod" also by you, of course) is that, instead of having large NPC megastations to produce many resources, there are new secondary resources so that roughly the same amount of wares are produced per hour by NPC.

This is good to maintain economic stability because shipyards are now less likely to starve, but this also has the side effect of general overproduction of wares in the entire galaxy. The production efficiency is so high, it is not profitable to mine minerals, and it is also not exactly profitable to expand production since basic wares are not being consumed fast enough.

This also indirectly caused the discovery of the minprice bug since everything is being sold at absolute minimum price (except perhaps hull parts; it manages to stay somewhat at near 0% selling price).

A separate observation is that, for some reason, only just a few hours into the game, several NPC trade stations already have their Nividium storage at 75% full, and so Nividium is only bought at min price. Can't use Nividium mining to transition to mid-game.

Are these something you have intended?

The early game has become easier (e.g. extreme trade margins for some wares), but it seems less obvious on how to transition to mid-game other than perhaps building a hull parts production or starting some recycling business in the Avarice system.

DeadAirRT commented 1 week ago

The goal of the new wares and workforce changes are to increase importance of workforce and to reduce the number of stations required for a fully functioning economy. Looking at Eco on it's own, since I no longer balance the economic production at game start there is imbalance because there has always been imbalance. When you look at eco + scripts DA God, the numbers set by default that factions build up to are the observed ware usage (a lot of data gathering) for a shipyard+wharf and the amount of wares to complete the chain. There is a bit of overproduction even on my final balanced economy due to transportation bottlenecks and of course, war interruptions.

There were several concessions I had to make for the sake of the user. I maintained station calculator compatibility sans workforce. I also had to consider performance, as more economy ships and stations means more cpu stressing.

Depending on what you consider the mid-game transition, the mod enables building the new ware production stations which require minimal capital investment, nividium mining is still viable using the DA Fill drain (which empowers the faction as well instead of just existing), increased trading capacity due to economic throughput, and of course if DA God is activated there are quite a few opportunities for ware supply that shifts over time.

This mod is definitely not an end-all be-all by itself, as is the case with any xml diff mod.

DeadAirRT commented 2 days ago

So I'm in the process of testing my adjustment to pricing calculation and it seems to revert the time scaling changes that caused prices to be mostly at extremes. You can add this to parameters.xml in Eco if you would like to check it out: <replace sel="/parameters/economy/prices/product/@factor">50000000</replace>

Vectorial1024 commented 1 day ago

That's quite unexpected. I have always thought trade ware prices are calculated "internally" and is largely unchangeable or unexplainable.