Deadlineem / Extras-Addon-for-YimMenu

This addon features extra tools for YimMenu that aren't already a part of the stand alone base version.
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i would like the return of an old function #67

Closed ilpiruz closed 2 months ago

ilpiruz commented 2 months ago

the old ramming option was sometime better and sometime more fun than the nowdays "make npc drive to this player" i would like to have in the same time these two options, because there are sono scenarios where one function works better than the other one

Deadlineem commented 2 months ago

the old ramming option was sometime better and sometime more fun than the nowdays "make npc drive to this player" i would like to have in the same time these two options, because there are sono scenarios where one function works better than the other one

If im not mistaken, the vehicle ram option was a very old option I created in Extras Addon. This option was superseded by the "Vehicle Sandwich" option which now sandwiches the player between two vehicles, one that spawns below the map and travels upwards to the player and another that spawns above the player and travels downwards.

The vehicle ram was fun, however, did not kill the player as intended every time.

ilpiruz commented 2 months ago

yeah but i like it the same as sandwich and "npc drive to player" and also sometimes i want not to kill but troll, it would be funnier and less toxic

Deadlineem commented 2 months ago

yeah but i like it the same as sandwich and "npc drive to player" and also sometimes i want not to kill but troll, it would be funnier and less toxic

I will add the vehicle ram feature in again, also give the addon an update and give the npc drive option a try, @USBMenus optimized it a bit ago, it might suit your needs until the ram feature is added

ilpiruz commented 2 months ago

and also the "npc drive to player" is unstable because sometimes the npcs are less smart than a money (no offense to the creator, i hope the translator is not writing bad )

Deadlineem commented 2 months ago

and also the "npc drive to player" is unstable because sometimes the npcs are less smart than a money (no offense to the creator, i hope the translator is not writing bad )

I fixed this today, give it a try with the latest and lmk how it works. Should be massively improved now.

ilpiruz commented 2 months ago

trying it now, thanks

ilpiruz commented 2 months ago

and also the "npc drive to player" is unstable because sometimes the npcs are less smart than a money (no offense to the creator, i hope the translator is not writing bad )

I fixed this today, give it a try with the latest and lmk how it works. Should be massively improved now.

idk but i can't see the option but i'm retrying

Deadlineem commented 2 months ago

and also the "npc drive to player" is unstable because sometimes the npcs are less smart than a money (no offense to the creator, i hope the translator is not writing bad )

I fixed this today, give it a try with the latest and lmk how it works. Should be massively improved now.

idk but i can't see the option but i'm retrying

Not the ram feature, the npc drive to player

if npcDrive:is_enabled() then if PLAYER.GET_PLAYER_PED(network.get_selected_player()) == PLAYER.PLAYER_PED_ID() then gui.show_message("NPC Drive","Stopped, player has left the session.") return end for _, veh in pairs(entities.get_all_vehicles_as_handles()) do ped = VEHICLE.GET_PED_IN_VEHICLE_SEAT(veh, -1, false) if ped ~= 0 and not PED.IS_PED_A_PLAYER(ped) then request_control(veh) request_control(ped) --TASK.CLEAR_PRIMARY_VEHICLE_TASK(veh) target = PLAYER.GET_PLAYER_PED(network.get_selected_player()) pos = ENTITY.GET_ENTITY_COORDS(target, true) TASK.TASK_VEHICLE_DRIVE_TO_COORD(ped, veh, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 70.0, 1, ENTITY.GET_ENTITY_MODEL(veh), 16777216, 0.0, 1) end end end

ilpiruz commented 2 months ago

oh then i probably misspelled, i just wanted the two versions of "npc drive to player" at the same time (the new and the one with the car coming from nowhere, the og one)

Deadlineem commented 2 months ago

oh then i probably misspelled, i just wanted the two versions of "npc drive to player" at the same time (the new and the one with the car coming from nowhere, the og one)

Im aware, I will be adding that original vehicle ram feature back in at some point, just have alot of things to fix/polish before i get to it. The NPC drive was not working as intended, it should now lol.

Deadlineem commented 2 months ago

oh then i probably misspelled, i just wanted the two versions of "npc drive to player" at the same time (the new and the one with the car coming from nowhere, the og one)

Vehicle ram has been added back as per your request and severely improved