Deadlineem / Extras-Addon-for-YimMenu

This addon features extra tools for YimMenu that aren't already a part of the stand alone base version.
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New Ideas #72

Closed ilpiruz closed 1 month ago

ilpiruz commented 1 month ago

is possible to apply a force to a player/vehicle? like the wind and push someone

Deadlineem commented 1 month ago

is possible to apply a force to a player/vehicle? like the wind and push someone

is possible to apply a force to a player/vehicle? like the wind and push someone

Select yourself and navigate in the addon to Player Options > Fun Self Options > Magnet/Forcefield from here you can set the forcefield magnitude/radius.

You cannot push a players ped as desired because it would require complete control of the player i believe, but you can push their car around since you can take control of their vehicle.

ilpiruz commented 1 month ago

yeah i know about these options, i was just wondering if it was possible to make the forcefield on a selected player

Deadlineem commented 1 month ago

yeah i know about these options, i was just wondering if it was possible to make the forcefield on a selected player

You can already, click the selected player and toggle the option on the same way you would for yourself. if you spectate them you'll see the radius outline show up.

Deadlineem commented 1 month ago

if blackHoleMarkerVisible then playerPed = PLAYER.GET_PLAYER_PED_SCRIPT_INDEX(network.get_selected_player()) playerCoords = ENTITY.GET_ENTITY_COORDS(playerPed, true) GRAPHICS.DRAW_MARKER_SPHERE(playerCoords.x, playerCoords.y, playerCoords.z, blackHoleRadius, 255, 0, 0, 0.3) end

same with forcefield script, this was a change i made a few days ago.