Deadlineem / Extras-Addon-for-YimMenu

This addon features extra tools for YimMenu that aren't already a part of the stand alone base version.
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[BUG] Cayo Perico Heist Editor some things not working #93

Closed rjp421 closed 2 weeks ago

rjp421 commented 3 weeks ago

Skip Cooldown, and Reset Kosatka Board no longer work while you are near the planning screen.

I have to go to the Sparrow area to change the Presets and Skip/Reset.

No longer works:

Some of the Teleports can only be used when you are near them, i.e. Drainage.

Using YimMenu build 61ddba1 from today.

Thanks for the Extras!

Deadlineem commented 2 weeks ago

Skip Cooldown, and Reset Kosatka Board no longer work while you are near the planning screen.

I have to go to the Sparrow area to change the Presets and Skip/Reset.

No longer works:

  • Skip Drainage Cut
  • Skip Fingerprint Scanner
  • Skip Glass Cut
  • Remove All CCTV's (removes most of them, sometimes)

Some of the Teleports can only be used when you are near them, i.e. Drainage.

Using YimMenu build 61ddba1 from today.

Thanks for the Extras!

Ill be pushing an update to fix everything EXCEPT the teleports/CCTV's.


The reason the teleports don't work until you are close is because they are Blip Teleports

As for the CCTV's, it has always worked pretty much the way it does now, the only thing we can do to that is maybe add more CCTV ID's if we can locate them.