Deadlock989 / IndustrialRevolution

Industrial Revolution 3 is an overhaul mod for Factorio.
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Wooden crate is stronger than early metal chests #408

Closed Alex-1248 closed 3 months ago

Alex-1248 commented 3 months ago

Wooden crate has more health than tin and bronze chests. Because of this, a wooden crate is better than a tin chest, which has the same storage, and partially better than a bronze chest. The case of the tin chest looks especially strange given the fact that a tin pallet has the same health as a wooden pallet and has more storage. It seems to me that metal chests should have more health than crates made from easily accessible wood.

And I think that tin and bronze chests should have some kind of resistance like iron and steel chests.

Deadlock989 commented 3 months ago

It looks like all vanilla chests were missed from the standardised resistances and hit points pass.

I'll address this in a future release. Note that tin storage containers only exist in the mod at all because of a request from a player that liked to start in desert scenarios with very little wood - they are intended to be absolutely equivalent to wood. At most the tin storage will get the copper tier resistance (75% fire, 25% impact) but it will not have more health than wood. Tin is extremely soft and a good timber wood is far stronger.

Deadlock989 commented 3 months ago
Deadlock989 commented 3 months ago

Also adjusted logistics chests to follow the steel chest scheme.