DeadlyBossMods / DBM-Vanilla

Deadly Boss Mods (DBM) - Vanilla and Season of Discovery mods (Classic and Retail)
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Localization Status #107

Closed anon1231823 closed 3 months ago

anon1231823 commented 3 years ago

Localization status for all locales. Please check if you complete a locale file. Check the reference english to make sure you have all of the correct parameters. Add any missing parameters from the english file, and delete or comment out parameters that are in the localized file but not in the english file.

Raids and Dungeons

Onyxia // Reference: enUS

Molten Core // Reference: enUS

Dungeons // Reference: enUS

Azeroth // Reference: enUS

Zul'Gurub // Reference: enUS

Blackwing Lair // Reference: enUS

AQ20 // Reference: enUS

AQ40 // Reference: enUS

Naxxramas // Reference: enUS

DBM Interface

Core // Reference: enUS

GUI // Reference: enUS

QartemisT commented 3 years ago

I like checkboxes too.

MysticalOS commented 3 years ago

Assigning unassigned everyone when I tried to add someone not in Translators, :D

anon1231823 commented 3 years ago

@JekaLich @nanjuekaien1 @Molkree

nanjuekaien1 commented 3 years ago

@Mini-Dragon CN is all available, still need to add?

anon1231823 commented 3 years ago

@nanjuekaien1 you are missing dungeons. Look up Ramstein in english to see what you are missing. Also missing the ZG heart quote. Also AQ20 has Wave12Alt. Look at the english file to make sure you have everything. Also I think there is a pending invitation for you for the project so you can do the check marks yourself.

nanjuekaien1 commented 3 years ago

@anon1231823 ZG The propaganda information is not collected, and I will not change it. The copies of AQ20 and AQ40 have not yet been released. How to collect the information of the leader's propaganda?

anon1231823 commented 3 years ago

@nanjuekaien1 what do you mean by the ZG quote not collected? Yes, change AQ20/40 when they are released. Thank you.

anon1231823 commented 3 years ago

zhTW has missing stuff in BWL too

nanjuekaien1 commented 3 years ago

@anon1231823 Sometimes I really doubt whether you play WOW? You can go to Booty Bay and stand to see if you can see the shouts of zgHeart. You can see the yell of zgHeartBooty and zgHeartYojamba on the whole map. I want to submit an application to remove zgHeart. zhTW: Core issues need to be submitted by their localizers. Excuse me, you are now a DBM manager, if you are a manager, I will quit the localization of zhCN.

QartemisT commented 3 years ago

Kids kids. Quit the drama ^-^ You're all localizers, nobody's a manager of anything. Kindly keep being civil to each other and welcoming. We don't wan't any drama wars here.

Please and thank you.

MysticalOS commented 3 years ago

anon isn't a DBM manager. myself and Qartemis are only ones that should be managing/approving stuff. Anyone can make a new issue though but if there are mistakes then report them to myself or QartemisT and what's wrong with them so we're aware.

If both yells do appear on whole map that that breaks in quite an annoying way. especially since buffs don't go out at same time on whole map. the lower part of map does get the buff timer more accurately using lower half of map yell, same with upper part of map. Answer probably wouldn't be removing one of strings but checking player location and ignoring one yell based on where player is (or ignoring both of them if player not in zone).

Honestly i go back and forth about removing that feature again, entirely this time and telling users if they want it to install a different addon for it. It was a nice feature when DBM was only mod doing it but now that there are like 5 other mods doing it, if this feature causes any more problems for DBM then easiest solution is it's deletion.

anon1231823 commented 3 years ago

@Se7enMuting @BlueNightSky @evildark0507

MysticalOS commented 3 years ago

This is a universal tracking issue for locals that are missing, but I've asked anon, who I know means well, not to ping or direct other localizers to do work.

Everyones work is volunteer and appreciated and I want no one to feel pressured to do stuff or feel like someone is ordering/barking at them to do it. In text, it's easy to get wrong undertone. Everyone should be nice and civil and not step on each others toes in a project that has many contributors. You are all appreciated here.

BlueNightSky commented 3 years ago

Sorry, I didn’t actually play the Classic, I only updated the translation in the core and gui, and it was based on the Retail. So I really can't help with other parts, sorry again!

anon1231823 commented 3 years ago

@BlueNightSky no problem, thanks for your contribution. But I'm curious, where did you get the quotes from L.WORLD_BUFFS if you don't play classic?

BlueNightSky commented 3 years ago

I asked friends who play the classic version to help :-P

Artur91425 commented 3 years ago

Hello everyone, I can help translate into russian and fix various existing orphigraphic errors, but faced a problem that the file has a not the latest version. In this regard, I have to analyze the localization.en.lua file and add missing lines. This imposes certain inconvenience and slows down the translation process. Please update the localization files so that they are all the latest version and match the localization.en.lua file

P.S. Sorry for possible mistakes, I don't know English very well and you have to use Google Translator

QartemisT commented 3 years ago

Hey Artur, if you hit us up on our discord we can possibly help you with some of our new localization portal that has a lot of these issues resolved. :)