The Classic range options in raids allow for 8 yards, and it is an 8 yard ability according to the database EffectChainTargets value of "8". This can also be seen ingame when a player is in the 10yd range indicator and chain lightning does not bounce to them. This is mostly problematic in stratrgies for melee, that have a false sense of positioning to both attack the boss and not destroy your raid.
The Classic range options in raids allow for 8 yards, and it is an 8 yard ability according to the database EffectChainTargets value of "8". This can also be seen ingame when a player is in the 10yd range indicator and chain lightning does not bounce to them. This is mostly problematic in stratrgies for melee, that have a false sense of positioning to both attack the boss and not destroy your raid.
The\?build\=\&filter\[SpellID\]\=64390\&page\=1 link shows an 8 for
, which seems to be the effective bounce chain range.