Deadlyflamemaster / CS455-Memory-Game

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Add Code Quality Metrics #4

Open Deadlyflamemaster opened 1 week ago

Deadlyflamemaster commented 1 week ago

Integrate tools to assess the code quality (e.g., ESLint for JavaScript or Pylint for Python) into your CI pipeline.

Define coding conventions (e.g., bracket styles) and ensure the pipeline enforces them.

Metrics like code complexity, test coverage, and code duplication must be included, and the pipeline should fail if the standards aren't met.

Deadlyflamemaster commented 1 week ago

Add Code Quality Metrics:

Task: Integrate code quality tools like ESLint (for JavaScript) or Pylint (for Python). Set up conventions for your project.

Issue: Integrate ESLint/Pylint and set up code quality rules.

Issue: Configure CI pipeline to fail if code quality standards are not met.

Issue: Include metrics for code complexity, test coverage, and code duplication.