DealerDotCom / terraform-provider-bigip

Terraform provider for F5 BigIP
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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More complex examples #10

Closed VAdamec closed 8 years ago

VAdamec commented 8 years ago

How to insert multiple nodes to pool for example (cycle, terraform issue not bigip provider I presume) ? For example I'm creating nodes in cycle (and addresses counted based on some variables):

Maybe my approach is completely wrong, so just close it if it doesn't make sense.

resource "bigip_ltm_node" "node" {
    name = "${var.project_name}-${var.dcsim_name}-${var.dc_name}${format("%03d", count.index+1)}.${var.domain}"
    address = "${var.ipv4_address}.${var.ipv4_address_index + count.index + 1}"
    count = "${var.app_count}"


resource "bigip_ltm_pool" "web_pool" {
  name = "p_${var.project_name}-${var.dcsim_name}_poc"
  load_balancing_mode = "round-robin"
  nodes = ["${var.ipv4_address}.${var.ipv4_address_index + 1}:${var.app_port}"]
  monitors = ["http"]
  allow_snat = false
 count = "${var.app_count}"


resource "bigip_ltm_virtual_server" "vs_web" {
  name = "v_${var.project_name}-${var.dcsim_name}_${var.f5_virtual_port}_poc"
  destination = "${var.f5_virtual_ipaddress}"
  port = "${var.f5_virtual_port}"
  pool = "p_${var.project_name}-${var.dcsim_name}_poc"
  source_address_translation = "automap"
VAdamec commented 8 years ago

Or at least this should works:

f5_pool_nodes = ","

OK nodes created

resource "bigip_ltm_node" "node" {
    name = "${var.project_name}-${var.dcsim_name}-poc-idc-${var.dc_name}${format("%03d", count.index+1)}.${var.domain}"
    address = "${element(split(",", var.f5_pool_nodes), count.index)}"
    count = "${length(split(",", var.f5_pool_nodes))}"

crash on apply

resource "bigip_ltm_pool" "ltm_pool" {
  name = "p_${var.project_name}-${var.dcsim_name}_poc"
  load_balancing_mode = "round-robin"
  nodes = ["${split(",", var.f5_pool_nodes)}"]
  monitors = "${var.f5_pool_monitor}"
  allow_snat = false
VAdamec commented 8 years ago


  * bigip_ltm_pool.ltm_pool: unexpected EOF
  * bigip_ltm_node.node: unexpected EOF
  * bigip_ltm_pool.ltm_pool: unexpected EOF
  * bigip_ltm_node.node: unexpected EOF
  * bigip_ltm_pool.ltm_pool: unexpected EOF
  * bigip_ltm_pool.ltm_pool: connection is shut down
  * bigip_ltm_node.node: connection is shut down
  * bigip_ltm_node.node: connection is shut down
panic: Unknown kind: string
VAdamec commented 8 years ago

Sorry, i'm just idiot, this works:

variable "f5_pool_monitor" { default = "http" }
variable f5_pool_nodes = ","

resource "bigip_ltm_node" "node" {
    name = "${var.project_name}-${var.dcsim_name}-${var.dc_name}${format("%03d", count.index+1)}.${var.domain}"
    address = "${element(split(",", var.f5_pool_nodes), count.index)}"
    count = "${length(split(",", var.f5_pool_nodes))}"

resource "bigip_ltm_pool" "web_pool" {
  name = "p_${var.project_name}-${var.dcsim_name}_demo"
  load_balancing_mode = "round-robin"
  nodes = ["${split(",", var.f5_pool_nodes)}"]
  monitors = ["${split(",", var.f5_pool_monitor)}"]
  allow_snat = false

resource "bigip_ltm_virtual_server" "vs_web" {
  name = "v_${var.project_name}-${var.dcsim_name}_${var.f5_virtual_port}_demo"
  destination = "${var.f5_virtual_ipaddress}"
  port = "${var.f5_virtual_port}"
  pool = "p_${var.project_name}-${var.dcsim_name}_poc"
  source_address_translation = "automap"
VAdamec commented 8 years ago

yes, I'm an idiot, nodes, pools and virtual are created, but pool is empty

VAdamec commented 8 years ago

Try to modify on every application:

module.vsphere-habr.bigip_ltm_pool.web_pool: Modifying...
  monitors.2541227442: "" => "http"
  monitors.576276785:  "/Common/http" => ""
  nodes.#:             "0" => "2"
  nodes.1456672778:    "" => ""
  nodes.3487187376:    "" => ""
module.vsphere-app.bigip_ltm_pool.web_pool: Modifying...
  monitors.2541227442: "" => "http"
  monitors.576276785:  "/Common/http" => ""
  nodes.#:             "0" => "2"
  nodes.1692758664:    "" => ""
  nodes.4260111154:    "" => ""
module.vsphere-web.bigip_ltm_pool.web_pool: Modifying...
  monitors.2541227442: "" => "http"
  monitors.576276785:  "/Common/http" => ""
  nodes.#:             "0" => "2"
  nodes.2113815497:    "" => ""
  nodes.3841397363:    "" => ""
module.vsphere-elk.bigip_ltm_pool.web_pool: Modifying...
  monitors.2541227442: "" => "http"
  monitors.576276785:  "/Common/http" => ""
  nodes.#:             "0" => "2"
  nodes.1338515787:    "" => ""
  nodes.3603001585:    "" => ""
VAdamec commented 8 years ago

With port setup:

module.vsphere-web.bigip_ltm_pool.web_pool: Modifying...
  monitors.2541227442: "" => "http"
  monitors.576276785:  "/Common/http" => ""
  nodes.#:             "0" => "2"
  nodes.1164888747:    "" => ""
  nodes.3287988229:    "" => ""
module.vsphere-habr.bigip_ltm_pool.web_pool: Modifying...
  monitors.2541227442: "" => "http"
  monitors.576276785:  "/Common/http" => ""
  nodes.#:             "0" => "3"
  nodes.0:             "" => ""
  nodes.1954992182:    "" => ""
  nodes.4061307544:    "" => ""
module.vsphere-elk.bigip_ltm_pool.web_pool: Modifying...
  monitors.2541227442: "" => "http"
  monitors.576276785:  "/Common/http" => ""
  nodes.#:             "0" => "2"
  nodes.1415948588:    "" => ""
  nodes.3539065730:    "" => ""
module.vsphere-app.bigip_ltm_pool.web_pool: Modifying...
  monitors.2541227442: "" => "http"
  monitors.576276785:  "/Common/http" => ""
  nodes.#:             "0" => "2"
  nodes.1703785393:    "" => ""
  nodes.3810115871:    "" => ""
module.vsphere-web.bigip_ltm_pool.web_pool: Modifications complete
module.vsphere-elk.bigip_ltm_pool.web_pool: Modifications complete
module.vsphere-app.bigip_ltm_pool.web_pool: Modifications complete
module.vsphere-habr.bigip_ltm_pool.web_pool: Modifications complete

Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 4 changed, 0 destroyed.
VAdamec commented 8 years ago

ip vs name of node, really my fault