We edited the introduction.ipynb file based on the feedback we received from new people combined with Ahmad & Mahmoud's feedback.
Here are the list of questions/ things to clarify that we received:
Why when registering ie functions there is a yield statement instead of a simple return?
Did not understand how py_rgx_string outputs X,Y (where does it get them from?)
Missing example that shows the difference between py_rgx_string and py_rgx_span.
Explain how data is stored and when it gets computed, explain the lazy evaluation of rules.
Add more explanation to why we get an empty tuple when we query a relation that has no free variables (all constant) when the statement is true vs why we get nothing when its false.
So we edited the introduction file and added explanations to answer all of the above questions
We edited the introduction.ipynb file based on the feedback we received from new people combined with Ahmad & Mahmoud's feedback. Here are the list of questions/ things to clarify that we received:
So we edited the introduction file and added explanations to answer all of the above questions