DearCaat / MHIM-MIL

[ICCV 2023 Oral] Multiple Instance Learning Framework with Masked Hard Instance Mining for Whole Slide Image Classification
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No implementation of MHIM for DSMIL #3

Closed mayonezu216 closed 8 months ago

mayonezu216 commented 8 months ago

Hi, in the paper, MHIM(DSMIL) shows very good performance in many experiments. However, I can only find TransMIL and ABMIL models with MHIM. Could you provide the code of DSMIL with MHIM, the hyperparameters for masks and pretrained DSMIL models?

DearCaat commented 8 months ago

Thanks for attention. I have updated the imple of DSMIL, pls kindly check it: Readme:, Code: Pretrained Models: As for the hyper-param about DSMIL, I only try the same hyper-param with AB-MIL. I'm not sure it's the optimal, but it performs well on the C16 and TCGA-NSCLC.

mayonezu216 commented 8 months ago

Thanks very much! That is useful.