Deathamns / Viewhance

Enhancements for the browser's default media viewer
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size of the menu area #40

Closed rawdez closed 6 years ago

rawdez commented 6 years ago

menu area overlaps with OS taskbar and taskbar appears over menu. please add option to customize it or simply enlarge it to, say, 20% of tab width.


Deathamns commented 6 years ago

You don't need to move your cursor to the edge of the screen to make the menu appear. 40px is the trigger area from the left edge.

rawdez commented 6 years ago

40px is way too much precision on fullHD display. Windows taskbar is 60px (when with full date on the clock)

ps thanks for the link changed a little - works like a charm

Deathamns commented 6 years ago

I've made some changes. Now, by default, the trigger area is the area of the menu itself. I didn't want to add new option for changing it, but now you can set a transparent border for the menu via Custom CSS in the Options (for example #menu { border-right: 100px solid transparent }), which will be calculated into the trigger area.

rawdez commented 6 years ago

well, it doesnt work with large border hidden menu just gets farther left: style="display: none; left: -450px; opacity: 0;"

or, maybe extension in chrome store didnt updated yet?

Deathamns commented 6 years ago

No, I haven't pushed it to the store yet. I usually don't publish until I have some more changes.

rawdez commented 6 years ago

anyway, thanks! nice job

only thing thats missing its probably configuration export/import. and I'm not really sure which problem is that but smartUp Gestures doesn't start gestures on images when Viewhance is active. so cant use its gestures for images. probably has something to do with right mouseclick handling by Viewhance even when Right long-press action is disabled

Deathamns commented 6 years ago

I didn't want to create import/export, since there aren't many options. Personally, I only change one after installing.

I've made another tweak, which might allow mouse gestures (but I'm not sure if it will cause any side effects in the extension).

Also, if you have other specific problems, please open separate issue reports for them.

rawdez commented 6 years ago

well, it totally fixed the issue for me, thank you again