Open s3b- opened 11 years ago
You're talking about the updater, right?
I don't know. :D I think it's the UI launcher. Or something like that.
AllianceP2P / branches / latest / src / org / alliance / launchers / ui /
There. In the main method you're looking for a alliance.tmp file. If it's the same size you're deleting it, if not, you call your updater. I'm not familiar with alliance, sorry.
Ya, that's checking if there's an updated alliance version. Checksums might be a better option for this. I'm pretty sure Bastvera updated Alliance to look at the Google Code wiki for updates though...I could be wrong since I never had a hand in that part.
@DeathfireD Wouldn't it be simpler to have explicit version numbers?
You should create checksums of the alliance.tmp file and your jar file instead of just comparing their file lengths.