Deathly / TerrariaAPI

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Who's still active? #27

Open ghost opened 13 years ago

ghost commented 13 years ago

Just wanted to get a general idea of anyone still active here, Deathly's last activity was mid-June, he hasn't gotten back to me about transferring the wiki and code management duties, so if there's anybody interested, I may throw up my own project with current v1.0.6 (v1.0.6.1 as soon as it's out) code, more info in the wiki, active support for people with issues, etc. Just a quick "I'm working on something" or "I care" is fine, if there's enough people, I'll set something up and post back.

AlbinoDrought commented 13 years ago

...I care. I mod my client but I really don't have much to share. So far I've created a messy save/load feature, where you can choose an area and it saves all blocks in that area to a text file. These files can be loaded on online servers, so it saves the time it would normally take you to rebuild that gigantic house you created in SP. I'm thinking about sharing it but my code isn't just in the ModClass so I would have to edit it before posting. I might get around to it sometime.

ghost commented 13 years ago

CloudHopper, thanks for replying, hoping to get a few more people to post as well, I know I was just helping a few people with some issues, would love for them to pop in and at least say they're active. Gonna wait until v1.0.6.1 myself, then start cleaning up the code until I get it to a point where it's not if(num14 == argC78_Y34) and such, hopefully that'll help people just getting into modding the game. As far as saving and loading chunks of your world, I already like the sound of that, makes me want to try and add a copy/paste feature, where you can copy a screen at a time or something.

Right now I'm playing bug-patrol, trying to fix anything that shows up on the TO wiki/forums before Blue does, call it a personal challenge. Friend of mine wanted teleporters, so that's on my list too, after that, I think I'll start taking requests somehow.

Scorch- commented 13 years ago

I am still updating my client.

ghost commented 13 years ago

Scorch, good to hear. I'll have my web server back up and running next week hopefully, and then whenever hits I'll try and message you two with links. Hopefully I'll have enough time before 1.1 to go through and clean up the code, fix variable names, and just generally get a good foundation in place.

blucat commented 13 years ago

I'm working on getting the server to build for mono for use in osx and linux.

ghost commented 13 years ago

@blucat, once I get my new hardware set up, I'd love to lend a hand on that, despite my knowledge of mono being more than a little rusty.

To everybody interested, there'll be a site, forum, etc for this stuff coming in the next week or so, just waiting on the motherboard for my new server.

OfficialSmudge commented 13 years ago

I'm constantly adding to my mod!

ghost commented 13 years ago

@fortunez @GZeroV @Restrictment @blucat @Scorch @CloudHopper @Blake-The-Terraria-Modder

Just got the basics of a forum set up over at http://REDACTED Feel free to drop in, register accounts and whatever, I'm going to work on porting the wiki from here when I get some spare time off of classes, anybody that wants to help, please jump right in. Can set up personal pages for all of you as well if you'd like.

ghost commented 13 years ago

@hollenengel Oh cool

AlbinoDrought commented 12 years ago

@hollenengel Ah, I just read this. I've been checking my live bookmark feed on Firefox which hasn't shown any updates :/

blucat commented 12 years ago

the link was broken or something.