DebianArch64 / Scarlet

3rd party AppStore stuff
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how do i fix this error "Invalid info.plist #32

Open JabezLlave opened 8 months ago

JabezLlave commented 8 months ago


pls help im literally crying😭😭😭

DebianArch64 commented 8 months ago


pls help im literally crying😭😭😭

Means invalid IPA

JabezLlave commented 8 months ago

what do i do 😭😭😭

justblitz commented 8 months ago

what do i do 😭😭😭

as he said is not your problem is the .ipa file invalid, so search a new ipa and try with it

JabezLlave commented 8 months ago

what do you mean by search a new ipa? -asking politely

justblitz commented 8 months ago

what do you mean by search a new ipa? -asking politely

you are trying to install an invalid ipa file, search a working/valid ipa and try with it

JabezLlave commented 8 months ago

i did try all the existing files, nothing works. Also if i download the roblox scriptware its stuck on 49% ![Uploading IMG_0281.png…]()

justblitz commented 8 months ago

i did try all the existing files, nothing works. Also if i download the roblox scriptware its stuck on 49%

![Uploading IMG_0281.png…]()

thats weird...i hope and i think you try to uninstall and reinstall scarlet, if you didn't try to uninstall and reinstall. If the problem continue to happen wait a response from the developer (timezone: GMT-5 Texas). That kind of bug is never happen to me and i have external repos installed

JabezLlave commented 8 months ago

yeah, i reinstall it . it still showing error, thanks doe!

justblitz commented 8 months ago

yeah, i reinstall it . it still showing error, thanks doe!

so wait for a response from DebArch. You are welcome