DebianJoe / dungeons

Roguelike Project in Python w/ libtcod
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Killerrabbit #12

Closed Frostlock closed 11 years ago

Frostlock commented 11 years ago

I have spent quite some time today to understand how to work with external images and even longer (a lot longer) tweaking images. The translation to in game visuals using "blitting" is tricky if you want to get it pixel perfect. I think it would make sense to collaborate on these picture files as well so I packaged the images along in a media folder. For example I also fixed the border on menu_background (now 10 pixels wider to cover gap on right side) Finally I added one media item, its not perfect yet but it conveys the message :-) Additional GIMP work is of course welcome! I added an extra monster, you'll know when you meet him. If you can't wait to meet him, uncomment line 565. Run Awaaaaay!

DebianJoe commented 11 years ago

I'm going to have to manually merge the changes because of where they branched from....... ......brb in an hour or so. :rabbit2:

Frostlock commented 11 years ago

Dang sorry about that! :-( Keep me posted and let me know if you run in trouble somewhere.

Frostlock commented 11 years ago

Just a thought: At some point we should split up in multiple files. maybe that will ease the pain of merging?

DebianJoe commented 11 years ago

I have a "testing" file for my changes, just so that I can hold my local repo on track with the master and make sure that all of my changes are compatible with what everyone else does before trying to merge the files. It's proven useful before.

Frostlock commented 11 years ago

That sounds interesting, so is a complete copy of After which you merge locally? I feel kinda bad, hope you are not in too much merging-pain at the moment!!

DebianJoe commented 11 years ago

joe@linux-hqtc dungeons $ git merge Frostlock-master error: 'merge' is not possible because you have unmerged files. hint: Fix them up in the work tree, hint: and then use 'git add/rm ' as hint: appropriate to mark resolution and make a commit, hint: or use 'git commit -a'. fatal: Exiting because of an unresolved conflict

LOL, just a bit.

Frostlock commented 11 years ago

Want to try the other way around? Me pulling in your your latest version and merge what I have?

DebianJoe commented 11 years ago

Not yet...I'm getting there. I have it working, just need to get the repos to match up now. :+1:

DebianJoe commented 11 years ago

Done. They made me (an emacs user) use vim through the terminal to merge the changes, manual code merging took about 2 minutes....then 15 minutes to learn vim hotkeys. :dart:

Frostlock commented 11 years ago

LOL DebianJoe.vimskill += 1 :+1:

wesleywerner commented 11 years ago

I found a bug when you resume a saved game:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1327, in <module>
  File "", line 1316, in main_menu
  File "", line 1267, in play_game
  File "", line 767, in render_all
    if killerrabbit_death and game_state == 'dead':
NameError: global name 'killerrabbit_death' is not defined
Frostlock commented 11 years ago

Ah I'll have a look, didn't test save game!

Frostlock commented 11 years ago

Got it, pull request coming up