DebianJoe / dungeons

Roguelike Project in Python w/ libtcod
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Consistency #9

Closed wesleywerner closed 11 years ago

wesleywerner commented 11 years ago

I'd like to get your feelings on these two ideas:

PEP 8 for code

PEP 8 is my love, it ensures we can all read and write code that looks similar, makes hacking easier.

hint: The pep8 package in the Debian repos makes for easy .py file checking.

Markdown for text

Ensures nicely formatted text files. GitHub also loves md - for example see this readme.

I am trying to learn new habits and it seems they have taken to me. Would it be all right to (over time) use these? How do you all feel about these? :question:

DebianJoe commented 11 years ago

I think that standardized coding style is always a good thing. "Foolish Consistency is the Hobgoblin of Small Minds" or whatever the saying is. On the other hand, I cannot promise that I don't break from it myself quite often. It comes with working with a lot of different languages that I'll often mix formatting. I apologize ahead of time. Perhaps we could also get other newer programmers into the flow of the program itself by giving them a shot at "double checking" the formatting? Just a thought. I do approve of both of the above standards.

wesleywerner commented 11 years ago

I have reformatted the INSTALL file to illustrate, to let GitHub format it for us it renamed to have a .md (markdown) extension. I added a direct download section too, and a mention to branching (development section).

Shall I do a pull request for this?

Edit: Frostlock made some additions to the file in his fork. Let me hang on to this, merge his changes then I will pull request.

DebianJoe commented 11 years ago

That's very nice....I'd be glad to try to keep all of the formatting looking like that. Bring on that request. :)

Edit: I'm holding off on making any more significant changes as well until we get his branch back in the master. My last change is scattered all over the place, and that makes me nervous. -_-

2nd Edit: Just pulled the openSUSE repo for pep8 checker. I'm going to have to try it out. I'm sure that there's a LOT that I've done that doesn't fit the syntax.

wesleywerner commented 11 years ago

Don't worry too much about trying, I am sure my o.c.d. will help keep the files structured, heh :)

Frostlock commented 11 years ago

@wesleywerner I love what you did to the INSTALL file in your branch!! One remark though, you can get rid of step 4 (thus small change in intro of step 6 as well), the media files are now included on Github

wesleywerner commented 11 years ago

you're welcome :)