DeborahK / AngularF2BWebAPI

Files for the "Angular Front to Back With Web API" Pluralsight course by Deborah Kurata.
MIT License
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External social logins #2

Closed SkyQuant closed 5 years ago

SkyQuant commented 9 years ago

Dear Deborah! Thanks for your interesting cources :-)

In this repository could be nice also to see External Login implementation as here but with internal ASP.NET posibilities, like

                consumerKey: "",
                consumerSecret: "");
SkyQuant commented 9 years ago

Could be helpful

DeborahK commented 9 years ago

Thank you for your suggestion and posting a link for some sample code. It would be an interesting project to fork this repository and add alternate solutions for the authentication.

SkyQuant commented 9 years ago

Deborah, it's idea for your next course - how to make mobile Apache Cordova app in AngularJS + Material Design or Ionic with social logins ;-)