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Sky Reclamation Project for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky
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Red Forest SOS signal quest didn't work and blocked main story progress #131

Open Q3BFG10K opened 3 years ago

Q3BFG10K commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'm using 1.1.3-rc3 with the parts listed below. No other mods.

At the Red Forest the "respond to the SOS signal" quest appeared but then auto-canceled after a little while. The main quest reverted to "find Strelok". When I went to the spot where the bodies are supposed to be with the space anomaly PDA (as per a walkthrough), no bodies were there.

Also I couldn't progress the main story as the Forester wouldn't say anything about Limansk. I had to restart the level entry checkpoint and this time the SOS quest stayed active and the bodies were there for me to get the PDA.

Gamedata Widescreen Patch Alternative Ballistics Improved LuaJIT Library Less Frequent Emissions No NPC Weapon Tossing Upon Death Prefilled Stashes Reasonable Machine Gun Nest Lethality Sleeping Bag + No Intro Movies Transparent Inventory + Smaller Inventory Grids User Configuration Patch

Thank you.

Decane commented 3 years ago

Do you have a save from which to reproduce the auto-cancellation?

There are only two ways that task should cancel:

  1. You go through Forester's dialogue that begins with you saying: "I need to get to Limansk." That yields info portion red_actor_find_forester, which cancels the task.
  2. You enter the area with the corpses after receiving the task to respond to the SOS signal. That yields info portion red_go_to_sos_signal_task_complete, which also cancels the task.

That task isn't in any way a prerequisite for Forester's Limansk dialogue, however. All you need for that to be available are:

Q3BFG10K commented 3 years ago

I overwrote the quicksave with the bugged state and haven't been able to replicate the problem again despite trying several times.

The Forester had the option to ask about him, but then the dialog path ended with no option to ask about Limansk. All I could ask him was about stash locations.

And yes, the (tunnel explosion/Lebedev) cutscene had played long before then.

How confident are we about that LuaJIT replacement? Is there any chance it has bugs parsing the scripts correctly?

Decane commented 3 years ago

How confident are we about that LuaJIT replacement?

Anecdotally, pretty confident; I've been using it since 2014.

Do you remember where you were / what you were doing when the SOS signal task got cancelled?

The fact that you had received that task at all should have guaranteed that you would be able to ask Forester about Limansk (after asking him about who he is). The Limansk dialogue in question is red_forester_need_to_limansk, with availability conditions:

  1. completing task red_pursuit_talk_csky ("Stop Strelok")
  2. listening to Lebedev's bridge-to-Limansk cutscene voice-over to completion

    But the sole trigger for (1) is acquiring info portion red_pursuit_csky_talk2, which is only given by (2). So really, there is only one path to acquiring info portion red_pursuit_task_end: through (2). And the only way to get the SOS signal task is through (2). And you had received the SOS signal task. So this condition must also have been satisfied.

Very bizarre.

Q3BFG10K commented 3 years ago

Do you remember where you were / what you were doing when the SOS signal task got cancelled?

It canceled about 30 seconds after I got it so I was standing near the bridge on the road. I didn't think much of it as I generally explore before doing the main objective. It was only after I was ready to continue I realized I had no quest marker.

That it reverted to "find Strelok" probably implies the whole Forester quest arc somehow dropped off.