Decemberlabs / AltBeacon

AltBeacon is an alternative to iBeacon that allows iOS devices to be advertised in the background, which is not currently possible with iBeacon.
MIT License
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Manufacturing Data in foreground vs background #9

Closed johnnyman727 closed 9 years ago

johnnyman727 commented 9 years ago


I've been using the Node.js Noble library and the Tessel BLE module to inspect the advertising packets of the Altbeacon app when it is in the foreground and the background. I've noticed that the manufacturingData is undefined when the app is in the foreground but it's <Buffer 4c 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00> when the app is in the background. Why is this?

rahuldhodapkar commented 9 years ago

I have also encountered this issue with exactly the same manufacturingData profile. I also noted that if I changed the localName of the advertisement, it will change only when the app is in the background

marpal commented 9 years ago

This for the AltBeacon of radius.

johnnyman727 commented 9 years ago

This for the AltBeacon of radius.

@marpal can you explain a bit further what you mean?

marpal commented 9 years ago

@johnnyman727 you are talking from Radius Networks. They have the same name than us (we were before) but is different stuff

johnnyman727 commented 9 years ago

Ah gotcha. Sorry for the confusion.