Deceth / Battle-City

Build a city, hire a team, drive a tank, orb the enemy! Multiplayer online game.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Restore all-time player scores #29

Open Deceth opened 14 years ago

Deceth commented 14 years ago
Deceth commented 14 years ago

Any suggestions for the best way to do this? Should the current scores simply be overwritten, or should we have pre-reset score, post-reset score, combined total?

Is everyone okay with having their ranks overwritten? You can only get a promotion by having your old score merged with your current, but, first on the top 20 will switch back to Jizohn ;)

Maybe we could try and have a Overall Top 20, Yearly Top 20, Monthly Top 20, etc...?

Probably overkill though, considering, if we start expanding to multiple servers, ranks will become irrelevant as you will be a Private on every server except for mine.. :)

Rushing commented 14 years ago

I vote for: If old points > than current points, overwrite, else, leave be.

Deceth commented 14 years ago

I don't want to reset peoples scores. Doing as you suggest would erase all points I've earned since November 2007 because I had a higher rank before the reset.

I'd much rather have my current score added with my old score. The only question is, do we care that this will totally change the current Top 20?

Rushing commented 14 years ago

Hm, this is a tricky one, and I know it's not for me to decide, but I vote no since you put it to me like that.

Deceth commented 14 years ago

This is something that I am going to eventually do no matter what... There is no down side. There is only possible benefit to giving players back their hard-earned scores. =p

Most vets, myself included, want to login and see ourselves as Duke, Grand Duke, etc... It's depressing being a Private again. There's no way I'm going to sit around and earn all those points again, so why even bother playing? People deserve to have their status back, they worked hundreds if not thousands of hours for it. Before it wasn't possible to get it back. Now it is.

I know I would play more if I had my high rank back. I don't play for points, but there is a certain amount of prestige and respect that comes with rank that makes you want to login once in a while just to strut it around.

It's also pretty cool for a newbie to see a King login... ;)

Rushing commented 14 years ago

I am currently ranked fairly high within the top 20, and most of the other people within the top 20, will still be in it with their old scores. Go for it! =)