Deceth / Battle-City

Build a city, hire a team, drive a tank, orb the enemy! Multiplayer online game.
GNU General Public License v3.0
49 stars 24 forks source link

Please create a battlecity with no errors #45

Closed CanBoy67 closed 13 years ago

CanBoy67 commented 13 years ago

Deceth can you please make a BattleCity source code that does not have so many errors for people who are new to programming just one that you can download and build without errors i don't care if it has warnings they don't matter

Deceth commented 13 years ago

If it ain't broke, don't fix it! Oh wait... it's broke!

If you're getting lots of errors, be sure to take a look at the Wiki article for setting up your development environment. You might be missing things that are necessary!

Technically, you should only be getting a few errors with the current source code ;)

Rushing commented 13 years ago

Actually Deceth, without FMod set up, I can receive ~50 errors upon compiling. Yay for FMod customer service being helpful enough to let us have the old version :)

Deceth commented 13 years ago

Until the repository is cleaned up, you can click "download" on this page to get the working source code for v3.5.7:

v3.5.8 still does not compile. Rather than fix it, I will eventually move this to it's own branch so it stops depriving pour souls from the opportunity of a lifetime - working on Battle City!

Deceth commented 13 years ago

The source code now compiles! Yay!

All unfinished code or items in development will hence-forth be done in branches outside of the master repository to avoid this sort of issue. The master repository will always contain a stable working version of the source code.