Deceth / Battle-City

Build a city, hire a team, drive a tank, orb the enemy! Multiplayer online game.
GNU General Public License v3.0
49 stars 24 forks source link

[Question] Should the player label be on top of the GUI when moving the map? #55

Open rileyw opened 11 years ago

rileyw commented 11 years ago

Should the player label appear above the GUI when moving the map as shown in the attached screenshot? image

ndizazzo commented 10 years ago

No it shouldn't be like that and it's a bug. I'd consider the player name text an element of the scene. GUI elements like the sidebar should be rendered last.

rileyw commented 10 years ago

Looks like CDrawing.cpp draws:

  1. Players
  2. Panel
  3. Tanks

Players and Tanks both call drawPlayerName() which may explain why player names are displaying above the panel due to the arrangement in this method. I am going to rearrange the call order and test.

rileyw commented 10 years ago

Changing the draw order to the following:

  1. Players
  2. Tanks
  3. Panel

resolves this issue. I may create a pull request depending on how fast we move with refactoring the project to adopt a new technology, #47

rileyw commented 10 years ago

47 was resolved with the decision to pursue the SFML framework #71

This drawing issue will be tackled in the refactoring.