DeckerMMIV / FarmSim_Mod_SoilMod

Farming Simulator modification - SoilMod
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W.I.P. - SoilMod field planner & growing calculator v2.0 multilanguage #38

Open vinKaiZen opened 9 years ago

vinKaiZen commented 9 years ago

Due to the request i offer my created google spreadsheet to calculate your SoilMod fields. Have fun in field planning:)

English demo version v1.4

German demo version v1.4

Field Example (Screenshot): 2

UPDATE - 29/05/2015 SoilMod field planner & growing calculator v2.0 multilanguage is just in process - features:

GERMAN (finished) ENGLISH (finished) POLSKI (finished, thanks to KITT3000) SUOMI (finished, thanks to Jurkkis) ESPAÑOL (finished, thank to Vanquish081) РУССКИЙ (finished, thanks to Gonimy-Vetrom) DANSK (finished, thanks to jmj486)

Translation file:

sootysax commented 9 years ago

This is awesome.. thank you so much.

Dzi4d3k commented 9 years ago

@vinKaiZen I have two questions to spreadsheet:

  1. Why spread water adds 28% (two internal levels), where there is only 1 level currently implemented - 2 levels irrigation waits for special equipment
  2. Why rain increase soil moisture by 28%, where there is explanation, that rain increase soil moisture by one internal level (14%) every whole in-game hour of rainy weather. Do rain always least for 2 hours in game?

Could you explain whence you data come from?

vinKaiZen commented 9 years ago


The values in my tool are the actual measured during our tests (2 people, 3 weeks, round about 200 field grows with all combinations e.g. Depending on the changes we repeat some of the tests on every new release)

Now to your questions:

1) Spray water and your soil moisture will increase of 28~29% after growing night (Ploughing on the same day, before or after will decrease soil moisture 14% after growing night => +28% (spray water) - 14% (plough) = effective +14% after growing night)

2) During our 20 rain test the soil moisture rised up 28-29% every time

Try and test it =)

PromGames commented 9 years ago

Thank you very much for this spreadsheet.

I was wondering if you were able to run this spreadsheet in Excel or openoffice in a local PC. I think both spreadsheed (German and English) are protected and linked to google docs.

This will be for users and for map modders to include in their creations. This will allow to create this tool in more languages ( I am interested in Spanish). I would like also to try to use this tool with my Courseplay Editor and generate custom courseplay.xml file with just the courses needed for a particular day.

Any possibility to publish an excel version or a google docs unprotected version to be translated and adapted to other maps.

Thanks in advance

vinKaiZen commented 9 years ago


Thank you very much :). The spread sheet was created online in google docs for me an my friends. After finishing I decided to offer all the people here the possibility to realise deckers soilmod effects.

About an offline tool... My first trys to convert it to excel failed. Maybe i will create a complete offline version next weeks.

Cheers vin_KaiZen

Dream: Any programmer here how is able to create a real tool from an excel file or from my online spreadsheet? Maybe as an additional programm attached at deckers download version?

DeckerMMIV commented 9 years ago

@Dzi4d3k - Some answers to your questions from me;

1) The reason that sprayed water increases soil moisture by ~28% (2 x ~14%) at next growth-cycle, is due to both the 'darker texture'-layer and the actual 'water'-layer. They each add 'one internal level' (~14%) of soil moisture.

Note however, if you've plowed after spraying water (and before the growth-cycle), then the 'water'-layer will become a 'dry'-layer and reduce 'one internal level' - which essentially, due to the 'darker texture'-layer, will result in no change in soil moisture.

2) When the weather is raining - not hail - then at every whole hour SoilMod will start a 'weather-cycle' (same as a growth-cycle), which will increase the soil moisture by ~14% (adds 'one internal level').

Depending on how fast you're setting the in-game time, then SoilMod probably won't be able to complete a 100% "world-tour" before the next whole hour.

PromGames commented 9 years ago

@Dzi4d3k @sootysax I have just converted to local excel file your tool. In English and in Spanish.german is going to be difficult for me. I have a small error in field overview, is getting a wrong value till a sow crop is defined, then everything works ok

I have increased the number of fields to 100 to be able to work with 4x maps, mainly the map Iberian southlands. I have had also to increase the number of fruit types. I have taken out the charts as they are heavy.

I am testing the spreadsheet with this new map released this morning by my friend vanquish (thediabl0) Tierra's del sur iberico(Iberian South lands), prepared for soil mod and compost soil. Remember to disable gullemistmode and multisprayer. You can download the map from our web page In this map, all fields are plowed with 100%moisture, 6,2 pH, 4xN 5xP.

You will see for download the spreadsheet in my repository in GitHub.

Edit: the Iberian southland has an error for soil mod, as it was modified to work with patch 1.3. It has been described in #39. Just undo this change. There is a video in the author web page where he explains how to solve it. Mainly we have to return back the line of water in foliage sub layer fmc to the original place as decker instructions. Then soil mod back to works properly. Sorry for the inconvenient.

Jurkkis commented 9 years ago

Thank you very much. The very first day I played multiplayer with SoilMod, we discussed of something like this. It will become very hard to manage jobs on multiplayer when you can't keep up whats done and where..And with "wheellanes mod" can't take tractor and do quick check loop over the field..Need to go for a walk :D. Will test the sheets for 1 grain season and report, for now everything seems to be right!

About Rain; Is it always 3 hours of continous rain? In my exprience its always about 3 hours which SoilMod will catch 2 whole hours and increase moisture 28% Need more test and confirm.

Vanquish081 commented 9 years ago

Thanks for your translation to english...

sootysax commented 9 years ago

Is there a way to easily add fields to work with a map that has say 35 fields or more? That would also link the field data to the overview page?

vinKaiZen commented 9 years ago

@sootysax: Just wait. I´m still working on a complete overhauled offline & online multilanguage solution which works for all maps with much more features, analysis and a crop output calculation. I´ll keep here updated if finished

Vanquish081 commented 9 years ago

It is possible if you have the field data 100% correct (pH, moisure ...) more than 100%? As with the watermod, this production up to 110%.

vinKaiZen commented 9 years ago

i need some help with the translations in foreign languages (please no google translation) Open the following sheet and add your translation

Gonimy-Vetrom commented 9 years ago

I can help.

Jurkkis commented 9 years ago

I could do finnish (Suomi), it was asked once. Guess even if it only helps 1 person its usefull?

Jurkkis commented 9 years ago

Also question, lets say you want to apply herbicide CC and slurry same day, calculator will add +14% moisture from both, total of 28% but in game you will get only +14% from those as they will both use the "dark texture" layer? How about adding to data something like this: "Slurry with other moisturer" without adding any moisture to calculations.

vinKaiZen commented 9 years ago

@jurkkis: thx, i will try to reflect this in the next version (v2). I added SUOMI as additional language also.

KITT3000 commented 9 years ago

vinKaiZen, I omitted by accident OVERDUE, in Polish is SPÓŹNIONY. I do not know if the translation is to end grammatically correct, because I do not see how these issues are used in your project. As you complete the project probably I will have to apply several amendments.

Gonimy-Vetrom commented 9 years ago

:) :) Russian! (РУССКИЙ)

UPD. Done!

I also want to see the project before publication.

Vanquish081 commented 9 years ago

Translated into Spanish, but I have doubt, What exactly does this mean? "sow crop grass, cultivate (combined)" this is the literal translation: "Sembrar Hierba, cultivar (combinado)"

KITT3000 commented 9 years ago

@vinKaiZen I finished the translation into Polish.

Vanquish081 commented 9 years ago

CURRENT SERVERDAY => server is referent to server multiplayer?

vinKaiZen commented 9 years ago

i changed SERVERDAY to GAMEDAY (better if someone will use the tool offline)

@all translators: i added some phrases and answered your notes @all: feature and status report added in my first post

Jurkkis commented 9 years ago

I find also the "sow crop-x, cultivate (combined)" little bit confusing as with SoilMod direct seeders (ie. Väderstad Rapid A 600S) will not do any cultivating work for Lime, Chopped straw or Manure. They just can seed directly on the previuos crop like they should work if you are after realism. Thoughts?

Edit: see also #5

Dzi4d3k commented 9 years ago

@vinKaiZen @KITT3000 I propose to change EN - "OVERDUE", from Polish - "SPÓŹNIONY" to "ZALEGŁE", it would be better from context of the planner. Bedside this I created forked Polish version of planner for Norgeholm map, with automatic weather effects calculations based on additional sheet. It is not available publicly, because I not requested for permissions from @vinKaiZen, but I can share it if I receive permissions.

vinKaiZen commented 9 years ago

@Dzi3d3k all right i would change it.

Due to the automatic weather effect calculation. Sounds fantastic, did i get the permission to integrate it in my 2.0 tool? If yes, is it an offline (Excel) or an online version (google sheets)? (send me a hyperlink to download it)

KITT3000 commented 9 years ago

@Dzi4d3k Unfortunately, I did not know the context in which this phrase is used, but thank you checked and the second fits better.

vinKaiZen commented 9 years ago

Some new screenshots from the actual status at the end of this week :)

2 3

Dzi4d3k commented 9 years ago

@vinKaiZen Here is Google Sheets online version: It is unlocked copy of most recent version and feel free to take what you find useful. Hidden sheets are not fully corrected (TO DO list). It is almost 100% Polish (I had to update formulas also), so if you need any explanation just ask. @KITT3000 I translated to Polish mainly by context awareness, so many phrases are not direct translations, nevertheless some could be better. Additionally I used more verb based nouns and imperatives, rather than infinitives, so I think it look more technical.

Vanquish081 commented 9 years ago


vinKaiZen commented 9 years ago

Dzi4d3K ah i see you made is with an extra sheet for all fields. Good manual solution. First i thought you extracted the weather by game.xml automatically (thats the way i want to realize in v2 or v3)

Dzi4d3k commented 9 years ago

Well, I'm thinking only about MP side of game. Automatic in my case mean that weather impacte is calculated on fields without need of choosing it as work step. Your idea is great, however I can't imagine it working on dedicated server. Maybe some kind of mod could extract these informations.

jmj486 commented 9 years ago

how far has you come with a offline version ;)

vinKaiZen commented 9 years ago

@jmj486 you can see the status in my first post (on top)

jmj486 commented 9 years ago

I am about to translate in to danish.... You will have it in a few days

vinKaiZen commented 9 years ago

all right i decided to swap the last column from french do dansih. Feel free to fill it :)

jmj486 commented 9 years ago

I need this line in context, before i can translate it.

"spread fertilizer manure, raw (moldered, 1)" specially "raw" and "(moldered, 1)"

And why 1,2 and 3?

And this one? "plough fertilizer chaff (straw)" is chaff = swat?

Jurkkis commented 9 years ago

@jmj486 "spread fertilizer manure, raw (moldered, 1)" means: Spread manure and leave it unprocessed (no cultivating or ploughing) on the field, it will molder in steps and on each growth cycle incease moisture.

"plough fertilizer chaff (straw)" means that with additional mod called "chopped straw" you plough the chopped straw into the soil. This mod will make your combines leave layer of chopped straw on the field on harvest when you disable swath = enable straw chopping. (straw in this context = chopped leftovers of wheat & barley)

jmj486 commented 9 years ago

@vinKaiZen here is the danish translation

vinKaiZen commented 9 years ago

Access denied. Please fill the general translation document hyperlinked in my first post

jmj486 commented 9 years ago


It should be there now

vinKaiZen commented 9 years ago

@all translators

Dzi4d3k commented 9 years ago


Did you abandoned weather effects calculation? I see you removed this from change log, just curious. How did you resolved situation when players marge many fields do some maps. This not handful to enter the same things in many fields. Is there an option for field like: "Filed merged with filed nr .X"

Gonimy-Vetrom commented 9 years ago

I can not get edited (RU). word exchanged in line 9 & 10 (serverday => gameday) - translated correctly! in row 125: Gonimy-Vetrom = Vasiliy RW => Gonimy-Vetrom

jmj486 commented 9 years ago

in row 9&10 translation ok In row 125 Dansk --> Danish

vinKaiZen commented 9 years ago

You are able to edit now

vinKaiZen commented 9 years ago

Dzi4d3k i´ve just waited for you post :) I thought many days about the automatic weather solution. But finally i found some important disadvantages.

Finally, as i wrote I integrated a fuction to save your planned field working steps as 1 of 3 favorites. Then you quick use one field to copy it to another :)

Dzi4d3k commented 9 years ago


Unfortunately I have to argue with all yours thoughts as my solution works oppositely to what you wrote, and I'm disappointed that you not analyzed it properly.

  1. I don't need to edit any of fields cards separately to have weather effects applied.
  2. Weather effects are added to moisture column for each day for which they fore-casted to the first work planned for that day. For example if you planed spaying herbicide and there will be hot day then final moisture delta for that day will be 0%.
  3. Finally even integrated automated weather updates (by mod or other means), will not be so great for manually planned work steps, as there is one big caveat - forecast is CHANGING. Especially the long term forecast (from +4 to +6 days) is changing most when it become short term forecast (days +1 to +3). Differences could be such high that very hot day can become cold day.

You current approach treats days with moisture effects like other works steps, which have to be planned and entered in fields cards. It may happen that these become invalid when particular day comes, because forecast was wrong and weather changed. Now you have to remove weather "work step" on each field because it is wrong, but you can't because there is not empty work step (like "do nothing") and you can't have holes in planer, cause works steps have to be continuous (thats how calculator is working), so you have to rearrange rest of steps after removing "weather effects" steps, lot of unnecessary work.

My solutions doesn't threat weather effects like works steps, so it can be added and removed at will. Moreover we have to check and adjust weather only on one special card - the weather card. Now there is a fact that weather MUST be verified in EACH game/server day to be valid. Unfortunately it may happen, that we still need to adjust other moisture changing works steps to keep soil in optimal condition if weather change, but it is inevitable.

Basing on above is suppose that by far my solution is best what can be done in manual planing. Maybe when FS15 scripts will be published, then some mod could do job better (assuming Environment.lua, and other necessary scripts will be published, for FS2013 they were not).

To finish, apologies for long comment, but I wanted to make things clear. I not insist to include my approach, but I'm sure that I and my server-mates will be still using it.

Jurkkis commented 9 years ago

I've upgraded my dedicated server to 1.3 beta2 patch and it added a link in the to the webgui for careerSavegame.xml. vehicles.xml and economy.xml. That would make autoweather possible?


vinKaiZen commented 9 years ago

@Dzi4d3k The automatic weather feature is not completely canceled but it´s not realizeable for me at the moment. We (my wife, son an me) are moving from one house to another since 4 weeks up the next 10 weeks. So I´am only able to work on the new 2.0 version during work time (if there is some time, or during the breaks).

I hope i will find some time to look at your document more detailed after we have finished the move. Maybe i will add in version 2.0 or in 3.0.

@Jurkkis awesome, i think this could be possible to use the data as import (you can see you weather in the mid of your document). EDIT i found the link in my webgui too EDIT2 As you wrtoe only the dedicated-server-stats.xml. Hm time to wait for official 1.3 patch