DeckerSU / idol4_6055k_device_tree

Alcatel Idol 4 6055K device tree for TWRP
2 stars 3 forks source link

twrp recovery image #1

Open Kr0ss1 opened 1 year ago

Kr0ss1 commented 1 year ago

Hey Decker, I hope you'll read this. I thought I'd use this way of communication because you are still active on github. So I just found my old Alcatel idol 4 6055k and i wanted to root it which led me to your xda thread ( ). Now my problem is that the links aren't working anymore and I can't find the twrp recovery image somewhere else. I know you froze the project because you got no donations but I wanted to ask if you could give me a download link for the image and maybe help me root the phone for educational purposes because I'm a student myself and I would like to learn more about jailbreaking and such stuff. Sincerely, Krossi

DeckerSU commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately, as this project was frozen around 5 to 6 years ago, there are no binaries or related material remaining. I am sorry that the links you found on the forum are broken; I am unable to help you with this. You may want to ask on the forum itself, as someone may still have the archives and be willing to share them with you.

Kr0ss1 commented 1 year ago

Alright will do that thanks