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Character Creation Optional Rule: Knacks #178

Open LockerM opened 1 year ago

LockerM commented 1 year ago

Introducing Knacks - Optional Character Creation Feature

A character is born with an inherent Knack for something. Think of it as a Passive or Minor Power that is used resource free.

You may take 1 Knack on character creation, and work with your GM to help it fit into setting and the narrative. Taking a Knack does not denote any XP cost, though some Knacks may require certain Vulnys.

Examples of Knacks below as a sample Draw Table

The below are general ideas for Knacks, not formal proposals, and more can be added by submission on this Issue or by a GM at the table as a House Rule or Homebrew. We can continue to add from community playtester submission.

using a Draw Table Draw a card, the corresponding number to the pip value (Ace = 1)

  1. Handy - When you interact with a specific type of object you are able to understand how it works and how to fix and maintain it.
  2. Intuitive - When you make a Bluffing Check to discern whether someone is lying, you can draw with the Upper Hand.
  3. **More will be added as Issue edits over time, plus as submissions come in we can add the approved ones into a rolling Issue.

Setting-specific Knacks

Settings can have unique Knacks that feed into specific mechanics. It can encourage lightweight game mechanic experimentation from the community as they come up with new lists of Knacks that every character can choose from when they start at level 1. This gives GMs a lot of flexibility for character creation to achieve specific vibes or party dynamics.

For example: