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Changing Language for Key Mechanics #31

Closed LockerM closed 2 years ago

LockerM commented 2 years ago

Adding an Issue around Language for Key Mechanics

There are a few terms we are currently using that we should look into revising and making more specific to Deck of Adventures, and removing some before a published b1 version is released. We can use comments to add additional terms we think might work as well as identify any other language we may want to shift.


Can we call it Turn Order, or "Draw your Target Card" or something else more specific?

Armor Class

Now that this is less of a major number and more of a modifier, could we revise AC to be something more specific to DofA?

Upper Hand / Lower Hand

I think we've made this a significant enough distinction within our game we are OK to keep using these terms, with the inclusion of (N) and Lower Hand this appears to be a unique mechanic within TTRPGs. Open to additional terminology we could use in place of this though if any come to mind.

LockerM commented 2 years ago

Comment for Armor Class to Armor Range

So in D&D they have Difficulty Class (DC) for most challenges, and the Armor Class (AC) for challenges specifically relating to hits.

Since we have Difficulty Range (DR) maybe we can call it Armor Range (AR) to show how difficult it is to hit a particular target, and this number would be between 0 and 6 corresponding to the same scale as DR.

LockerM commented 2 years ago

Comment for Rests

Updated the language for this as well. Now calling Quick Rest a 30-min break, and a Full Rest a full 8 hours of rest. Check latest PR for more details.

CBroz1 commented 2 years ago

Is this also covered in PR #36? - I don't see it linked