DeclarativeHub / TheBinderArchitecture

A declarative architecture based on bindings
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Why static methods for making View Controllers and other components? #1

Open tonyarnold opened 6 years ago

tonyarnold commented 6 years ago

What's the reasoning behind using:

static func makeViewController(_ userService: UserService) -> ProfileViewController {}

instead of a convenience initialiser:

convenience init(userService: UserService) { }
srdanrasic commented 6 years ago

I'm exploring structuring code into modules, something like

enum UserModule {}

// Views
extension UserModule {
    class SomeUserModuleSharedView {}
    class SomeOtherUserModuleSharedView {}

// View controllers
extension UserModule {
    class ProfileViewController {}
    class EditProfileViewController {}

// Binders
extension UserModule {
    static func makeProfileViewController {}
    static func makeEditProfileViewController {}

so a binder is a function on the module like UserModule.makeProfileViewController().

Convenience initialiser, however, does sound like a nice way to go. Let me explore it in a demo project that I'm making.

danielt1263 commented 4 years ago

One good reason for using a static function instead of a convenience initializer is because then we have more control over the return value. The static function can return a UIViewController rather than a sub-class (to reduce the temptation of leaking the abstraction.) Also, the static function can return a tuple (UIViewController, Signal<Result>) which is handy when the child VC needs to communicate information back to the parent.