Decybel07 / L10n-swift

Localization of the application with ability to change language "on the fly" and support for plural form in any language.
MIT License
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Line break are escaped in translated strings #28

Closed Morniak closed 3 years ago

Morniak commented 3 years ago

With the string Phone\nNumber in the .stringsdict, I'm getting the following string "Phone\\nNumber" instead of "Phone\nNumber".



"L10n {\n\tLanguage: en\n\tPreferred language: en\n\tSupported languages: [\"en\"]\n\tBundles: [\n\t\t\"/var/containers/Bundle/Application/1E0B4F9F-2F20-4503-8108-2C06E1FEDBE7/\",\n\t\t\"/var/containers/Bundle/Application/1E0B4F9F-2F20-4503-8108-2C06E1FEDBE7/\"\n\t]\n}"

L10n-swift version: 5.7.3

Xcode version: Xcode 12.4 Build version 12D4e

Swift version: Apple Swift version 5.3.2 (swiftlang-1200.0.45 clang-1200.0.32.28) Target: x86_64-apple-darwin19.6.0


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Decybel07 commented 3 years ago

This is not a bug. The stringsdict file allows you to jump to a new line using the key combination (option + enter)