DedSecInside / Awesome-Scripts

A collection of awesome scripts from developers around the globe.
MIT License
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Scripts #3

Open PSNAppz opened 5 years ago

PSNAppz commented 5 years ago

Create a PR with your custom script. We'll merge if it follows the contribution guidelines by Hacktoberfest.

olvrb commented 5 years ago

How about some JavaScript scripts?

PSNAppz commented 5 years ago

@olvrb Sure

Ishaan28malik commented 5 years ago

is it still open ?

olvrb commented 5 years ago

I mean, it isn't a specific issue which needs to be fixed, so feel free to submit a PR if you have a script to add.

Ishaan28malik commented 5 years ago

@PSNAppz pls chk i have added Dijkastra's algorithm .

Ishaan28malik commented 5 years ago

@PSNAppz Srry i saved a wrong file bimistake

moadmmh commented 5 years ago

Some Opencv scripts maybe ?

PSNAppz commented 5 years ago

@moadmmh Sure 👍

bhushan-borole commented 4 years ago

Adding a web scraping python.

soumya997 commented 3 years ago

is it open for Hacktoberfest 2020?

PSNAppz commented 3 years ago

@soumya997 Yes

soumya997 commented 3 years ago

@PSNAppz , thanks for the response, I know you have mentioned it on the top but, What we have to do actually. create any script and make a PR. What are the criteria for the script to be accepted?

PSNAppz commented 3 years ago

@soumya997 General acceptance criteria's that it should be useful, no copy-pasting or stealing of other scripts and update the entry in readme file as well. Plus, it will be great if you could document the code.

suyash2819 commented 3 years ago

Can we still put solution to a hackerrank problem which is not there here ?

PSNAppz commented 3 years ago

@suyash2819 Yes

suyash2819 commented 3 years ago

@PSNAppz while pushing the code, it is showing potential threat on the file keyloggers/ and is deleting that file automatically.

PSNAppz commented 3 years ago

@suyash2819 Most anti-virus softwares will flag the key logger as a threat, which is true. So you can omit the directory in the anti-virus software before updating/using the scripts.

suyash2819 commented 3 years ago

@PSNAppz Alright, have raised the PR

idbara commented 3 years ago

Hi @PSNAppz, please check it my PR #81. I just add the solution for Bill Division hackerrank problem.

hasanmdarif commented 3 years ago

Hey! @PSNAppz May I submit python script?

PSNAppz commented 3 years ago

@hasanmdarif Sure :)

naveensaigit commented 3 years ago

@PSNAppz Can I add Regression with Gradient descent from scratch?

PSNAppz commented 3 years ago

@naveensaigit Yup

tsadarsh commented 3 years ago

@PSNAppz, I am proposing a Reddit bot. The bot comments a custom message on posts containing specific keywords. User can set a list of keywords to look out for. The bot follows bot-guidelines* of Reddit. Does this project idea satisfy this repo's guidelines? Please let me know at the earliest.

Cheers! :smile:

*does-not consider scanning instances of words since bot adheres to PRAW.

PSNAppz commented 3 years ago

@maddypie Awesome! Feel free to make a PR when ready.