DedSecInside / TorBot

Dark Web OSINT Tool
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TorBot not searching onion sites #277

Closed macgreine closed 11 months ago

macgreine commented 1 year ago

Torbot provides the following when searching onion sites, Attempting to connect to Connection successful. Tor IP Address : Attempting to connect to http://s4k4ceiapwwgcm3mkb6e4diqecpo7kvdnfr5gg7sph7jjppqkvwwqtyd.onion Attempting to connect to https://http://s4k4ceiapwwgcm3mkb6e4diqecpo7kvdnfr5gg7sph7jjppqkvwwqtyd.onion Attempting to connect to http://http://s4k4ceiapwwgcm3mkb6e4diqecpo7kvdnfr5gg7sph7jjppqkvwwqtyd.onion Got ConnectionError after three attempts... Please check if the TOR service is running or not.

Downloaded poetry downloaded installed gotor downloaded installed torBoT tor previously downloaded torrc edited to have following uncommented SocksPort 9050 # Default: Bind to localhost:9050 for local connections. SocksPort # Bind to this address:port too.

commands sudo service tor start

sudo bash Yeilds

Pulling and creating tor network Using default tag: latest latest: Pulling from dperson/torproxy Digest: sha256:d8b5f1cf24f1b7a0aa334929a264b2606a107223dd0d51eb1cda8aae6fbeec53 Status: Image is up to date for dperson/torproxy:latest 8f305646bd8247dbd4f1a48b6249ee6d9dcc31e598563a3abadf4d57a58d855a Starting dperson/torproxy container 87a46f5bb8327be6abfe2dc33825678a5e36fd425e09ca7d8aacc5bacf624f65

tor proxy started on port :9050

Building and starting gotor container Sending build context to Docker daemon 11.56MB Step 1/25 : FROM as builder ---> 7b59a6b0604b Step 2/25 : ENV APP_HOME /go/src/gotor ---> Using cache ---> b2ce84ba602e Step 3/25 : WORKDIR "$APP_HOME" ---> Using cache ---> 983e91d47fe2 Step 4/25 : COPY api/ api/ ---> Using cache ---> 98af53baf61a Step 5/25 : COPY cmd/ cmd/ ---> Using cache ---> 4f7f05657939 Step 6/25 : COPY internal/ internal/ ---> Using cache ---> eeb591aa7420 Step 7/25 : COPY linktree/ linktree/ ---> Using cache ---> e67c38d745e8 Step 8/25 : COPY go.mod . ---> Using cache ---> d567e33e0bce Step 9/25 : COPY go.sum . ---> Using cache ---> 092410b70117 Step 10/25 : COPY docker.env . ---> Using cache ---> 9f6d02e960de Step 11/25 : RUN go mod download ---> Using cache ---> c46b0c22b21e Step 12/25 : RUN go mod verify ---> Using cache ---> 2539861aa913 Step 13/25 : RUN go build -o gotor cmd/main/main.go ---> Using cache ---> 4c4bd9dc57e9 Step 14/25 : FROM ---> 7b59a6b0604b Step 15/25 : ENV APP_HOME /go/src/gotor ---> Using cache ---> b2ce84ba602e Step 16/25 : RUN mkdir -p "$APP_HOME" ---> Using cache ---> b9a9be33e500 Step 17/25 : WORKDIR "$APP_HOME" ---> Using cache ---> 83f3a41d04ce Step 18/25 : COPY api/ . ---> Using cache ---> fd1a11b350aa Step 19/25 : COPY linktree/ . ---> Using cache ---> 9e116b38ea20 Step 20/25 : COPY internal/ . ---> Using cache ---> 8ae11ecb88cf Step 21/25 : COPY cmd/ cmd/ ---> Using cache ---> e762d19a6b44 Step 22/25 : COPY docker.env .env ---> Using cache ---> 37618d962ff2 Step 23/25 : COPY --from=builder "$APP_HOME"/gotor $APP_HOME ---> Using cache ---> eaac1635bc14 Step 24/25 : EXPOSE 8081 ---> Using cache ---> 04d7524acc59 Step 25/25 : CMD ["./gotor", "-server"] ---> Using cache ---> 38c34ff64a0c Successfully built 38c34ff64a0c Successfully tagged gotor:latest 9cf439681a86896baf28f74df1c89af36aa94ab6493c15e6ff049453b45dd2b2

gotor container started on port :8081

command line └─$ go run cmd/main/main.go -l http://marxists3va6eopxoeiegih3iyex2zg3tmace7afbxjqlabmranzjjad.onion -d 2 -o json {"level":"info","ts":"2023-05-25T14:34:22.910Z","caller":"logger/logger.go:26","msg":"connecting to tor","host":"","port":"9050"} {"level":"info","ts":"2023-05-25T14:34:22.910Z","caller":"logger/logger.go:26","msg":"starting tree with root","root":"http://marxists3va6eopxoeiegih3iyex2zg3tmace7afbxjqlabmranzjjad.onion","depth":2,"output":"json"} {"level":"warn","ts":"2023-05-25T14:36:22.557Z","caller":"logger/logger.go:30","msg":"unable to get url","url":{"url":"http://marxists3va6eopxoeiegih3iyex2zg3tmace7afbxjqlabmranzjjad.onion","status_code":0,"status":"","children":null},"error":"Get \"http://marxists3va6eopxoeiegih3iyex2zg3tmace7afbxjqlabmranzjjad.onion\": socks connect tcp>marxists3va6eopxoeiegih3iyex2zg3tmace7afbxjqlabmranzjjad.onion:80: unknown error TTL expired"}

torbot fails with above message after entering following query sudo python3 -u marxists3va6eopxoeiegih3iyex2zg3tmace7afbxjqlabmranzjjad.onion -s -l or sudo python3 -u http://marxists3va6eopxoeiegih3iyex2zg3tmace7afbxjqlabmranzjjad.onion -s -l

I expected to see a list or representation of links by other sites to this onion url.

Using ASUS Laptop

I suspect torrc configuration issue although torbot gets tor node ipaddress

KingAkeem commented 1 year ago

I'll investigate this within the next week and let you know what I find. I may require some more information, but I think you've provided sufficient details.