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Update #302

Closed vedant-z closed 8 months ago

vedant-z commented 9 months ago

Issue #292

KingAkeem commented 9 months ago

You don't need to open a new PR for each change, you can push commits to the same branch. If you need help with this, just let me know.

In terms of the code, the ArgumentParser is already being instantiated within and the arguments are added within get_args. You can add the verbose flag there. We already have a -v flag so you can name the verbose flag verbose, but not -v.

The arguments are read by the perform_action function, you read the argus value there and set the basicConfig for logging which will be applied everywhere.

KingAkeem commented 9 months ago

The file can be removed once this is done, it's redundant.

KingAkeem commented 9 months ago

You've added the argument correctly so great work there, but it still needs to be read so that the logging configuration can be set. My suggestion would be to add a conditional statement to perform_action in that checks for arg.verbose and then sets the basicConfig for logging appropriately.


You could use something like

log_level = logging.INFO
if args.verbose:
    log_level = logging.DEBUG
logging.basicConfig(level=log_level, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', datefmt='%d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S')

This will set the default log_level to info and use debug for verbose logging.