Deducteam / lambdapi

Proof assistant based on the λΠ-calculus modulo rewriting
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Parsing failure prevents from showing log messages in debug terminal #1083

Closed Alidra closed 1 month ago

Alidra commented 2 months ago

In Vscode (and probably with Emacs too), when a proof is started but end is missing at the end of the proof, the console doesn't show the log messages except the last one which is Unexpected token: "". For instance, with the following file

verbose 3;
constant symbol T : TYPE;
opaque symbol trivial : T → T → T → T
≔ begin

The command line check command produces :

Checking "somefile.lp" ...
verbose 3
symbol T : TYPE
[somefile.lp:5:7] Unexpected token: "".

But the Vscode Lambdapi debug terminal show only Unexpected token: "" (despite console 3; at the beginning of the file) and only when the end of file is reached.

fblanqui commented 2 months ago

Change proposal in

let check_text ~doc =
  let uri, version = doc.uri, doc.version in
  let cmds, error = Pure.parse_text ~fname:uri doc.text in
  let root =
    match doc.root with
    | Some ss -> ss
    | None ->
        raise(Error.fatal_no_pos "Root state is missing probably because \
                                  new_doc raised an exception")
  let nodes, final, diags, logs =
    List.fold_left (process_cmd uri) ([],root,[],[]) cmds in
  let logs = List.rev logs
  and diags = (* filter out diagnostics with no position *)
    List.fold_left (fun acc (pos,lvl,msg,goal) ->
        match pos with
        | None     -> acc
        | Some pos -> (pos,lvl,msg,goal) :: acc
      ) [] diags
  let logs, diags =
    match error with
    | None -> logs, diags
    | Some(pos,msg) -> ((1, msg), Some pos)::logs, (pos,1,msg,None)::diags
  let map = Pure.rangemap cmds in
  let doc = { doc with nodes; final=Some(final); map; logs } in
  doc, LSP.mk_diagnostics ~uri ~version diags

Changes in remove Parse_error exception and:

let parse_text :
      fname:string -> string -> Command.t list * (Pos.pos * string) option =
  fun ~fname s ->
  let parse_string =
    if Filename.check_suffix fname dk_src_extension then
    else Parser.parse_string
  let cmds = Stdlib.ref [] in
    Stream.iter (fun c -> Stdlib.(cmds := c :: !cmds)) (parse_string fname s);
    List.rev Stdlib.(!cmds), None
  | Fatal(Some(Some(pos)), msg) -> List.rev Stdlib.(!cmds), Some(pos, msg)
  | Fatal(Some(None)     , _  ) -> assert false
  | Fatal(None           , _  ) -> assert false

Change in pure.mli: remove Parse_error and

(** [parse_text ~fname contents] runs the parser on the string [contents] as
    if it were a file named [fname]. It returns the list of commands it could
    parse and, either [None] if it could parse all commands, or some position
    and error message otherwise. *)
val parse_text :
  fname:string -> string -> Command.t list * (Pos.pos * string) option
Alidra commented 2 months ago

Seems to work with theses modifications. However, if the end token is missing, you don't see an error message unless you add some tokens after the proof (for instance symbol B:TYPE;) in which case, the message Unexpected token: "symbol" is shown but not in the right place. But this shouldn't be hard to fix.

Alidra commented 2 months ago

So, we probably still need to show an error message if the user navigates to the end of the file

fblanqui commented 2 months ago

I cannot see that it works on my machine with

verbose 3;
symbol T : TYPE;
symbol trivial : T → T → T → T
≔ begin
  assume _ _ x;
  refine x;

nothing is printed in emacs or vscode despite verbose 3.

Alidra commented 2 months ago

Are you sure your are in the right branch? I just push more fixes (the parsing error is in the right place now) Can you check again please?