Deducteam / lambdapi

Proof assistant based on the λΠ-calculus modulo rewriting
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What if type-checking does not terminate in LSP? How to interrupt? #327

Open amelieled opened 4 years ago

amelieled commented 4 years ago

I've got a problem between the CPU and the lambdapi. I don't know why, but when I opened the file "tp2. lp" (see below), automatically, this process uses 100% of my CPU. After a backup, this process stops and if I try to kill it, it'll duplicate itself. . . So the only way to kill the emacs window is to shut down my computer.

// Property type
constant symbol Prop : TYPE
injective symbol P : Prop ⇒ TYPE
set declared "π"
definition π ≔ P
set builtin "P" ≔ π

// Set type
constant symbol Set : TYPE
injective symbol T : Set ⇒ TYPE
set declared "τ"
definition τ ≔ T
set builtin "T" ≔ τ

// Boolean type
constant symbol bool : Set
definition B ≔ τ bool
rule T bool       → B
constant symbol true : B
constant symbol false : B

// Nat type
constant symbol nat  : Set
definition N ≔ τ nat
rule T nat        → N
constant symbol zero : N
constant symbol succ : N ⇒ N
set builtin "0"  ≔ zero
set builtin "+1" ≔ succ

// Leibniz equality
constant symbol eq {a} : τ a ⇒ τ a ⇒ Prop
set infix 1 "=" ≔ eq
constant symbol eq_refl {a} (x:τ a) : P (x = x)
constant symbol eq_ind {a} (x y:τ a) :
       P (x = y) ⇒ ∀p, P (p y) ⇒ P (p x)

// Avant de prendre la route...

// Inductive route : Type :=
// | departementale : route
// | nationale : route
// | autoroute : route.                                  

constant symbol route          : Set // FB mieux ?
definition R ≔ τ route
constant symbol departementale : R
constant symbol nationale      : R
constant symbol autoroute      : R

// Definition agrandir (r : route) := 
//   match r with
//  | departementale => nationale
//  | nationale => autoroute
//  | autoroute => autoroute
//  end.

symbol agrandir : R ⇒ R
rule agrandir departementale → nationale
 and agrandir nationale      → autoroute
 and agrandir autoroute      → autoroute

// Eval compute in (agrandir (agrandir nationale)).
compute (agrandir (agrandir nationale))

theorem agrandir_test :
π ((agrandir (agrandir nationale)) = autoroute)
 refine eq_refl autoroute

//Inductive terrain : Type :=
//| t_terre : terrain
//| t_route : route -> terrain
//| t_batiment : terrain.

constant symbol terrain    : Set // FB mieux ?
definition Ter ≔ τ terrain
constant symbol t_terre    : Ter
constant symbol t_route    : R ⇒ Ter
constant symbol t_batiment : Ter

//Check (t_route nationale).
type (t_route nationale)

// Exercice 1. - Booléen

require open tests.preuves_Ledein.myLib.Bool
constant symbol true : B
constant symbol false : B

//Check true.
type true

//Print bool.
// ??

//Definition negb b :=
//  match b with
//  | true => false
//  | false => true
//  end.

symbol negb : B ⇒ B
rule negb true → false
 and negb false → true

// Définir les fonctions [andb] et [orb] sur les booléens

// Definition andb b1 b2 :=
//  match b1 with
//  | true => b2
//  | false => false
//  end.

symbol andb : B ⇒ B
rule andb false _  → false
 and andb _ false  → false
 and andb &b1 true → &b1
 and andb true &b2 → &b2

// Definition orb b1 b2 :=
//   match b1 with
//   | true => true
//   | false => b2
//   end.

symbol orb : B ⇒ B
rule orb true _  → true
 and orb _ true  → true
 and orb &b1 false → &b1
 and orb false &b2 → &b2 
amelieled commented 4 years ago

I've just targeted the problem a bit more: in fact, I've merged my 2 files above. The first one contains the following lines, and they are the problem, because when I comment the "require open" line, the process doesn't use 100% of the CPU anymore. By the way, I'm modifying an error in the code above (which doesn't change the problem).

// Property type
constant symbol Prop : TYPE
injective symbol P : Prop ⇒ TYPE
set declared "π"
definition π ≔ P
set builtin "π" ≔ P

// Set type
constant symbol Set : TYPE
injective symbol T : Set ⇒ TYPE
set declared "τ"
definition τ ≔ T
set builtin "τ" ≔ T

// Boolean type
constant symbol bool : Set
definition B ≔ τ bool
rule T bool       → B
constant symbol true : B
constant symbol false : B

// Nat type
constant symbol nat  : Set
definition N ≔ τ nat
rule T nat        → N
constant symbol zero : N
constant symbol succ : N ⇒ N
set builtin "0"  ≔ zero
set builtin "+1" ≔ succ
rlepigre commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure how to reproduce this, I do not have emacs set up correctly at the moment. @gabrielhdt can you try? All I can say is that the problem does not seem to come from Lambdapi itself since it terminates immediately on this second file. I suspect the issue comes from either the LSP server or from the Emacs plugin we use for LSP.

fblanqui commented 4 years ago

@amelieled what happens if you use ?

gabrielhdt commented 4 years ago

@amelieled what happens if you use #308 ?

In fact she already has the new mode, so it might come from it... but I don't think so, since the mode does not introduce any computation related to lambdapi

gabrielhdt commented 4 years ago

It works for me (I use #308)

amelieled commented 4 years ago

Yes I have the new mode of Gabriel but if I add "(load "lambdapi") in .emacs, I have the same problem. In fact, if I try to write a theorem after the short extract of my code (not the large one), it doesn't work.

I should install #308 ?

fblanqui commented 4 years ago

I believe that, in Gabriel's mode, you must not add (load "lambdapi"). @gabrielhdt do you confirm? This is perhaps the reason why it is looping.

amelieled commented 4 years ago

Yes you right @fblanqui , and that's why I add it to disable Gabriel's mode. Is it enough @gabrielhdt ? But I have the same problem with/without this mode.

fblanqui commented 4 years ago

Well, I am not sure anymore because, if I do not add (load "lambdapi"), then it doesn't work.

gabrielhdt commented 4 years ago

For the record, package-delete can be used to remove packages.

amelieled commented 4 years ago

ok maybe the problem comes from a bad use for "set builtin"/"set declared"/"definition". This another version, but I don't understand why the theorem declaration gives me a "error on command" (it doesn't infer the sort for "\forall (n:?854) , pi (eq nat n n)") :

// Property type
constant symbol Prop : TYPE
set declared "π"
injective symbol π : Prop ⇒ TYPE

// Set type
constant symbol Set : TYPE
set declared "τ"
injective symbol τ : Set ⇒ TYPE

// Boolean type
constant symbol bool : Set
definition B ≔ τ bool
rule τ bool        → B
constant symbol true : B
constant symbol false : B

// Nat type
constant symbol nat  : Set
definition N ≔ τ nat
rule τ nat        → N
constant symbol zero : N
constant symbol succ : N ⇒ N
set builtin "0"  ≔ zero
set builtin "+1" ≔ succ

// Leibniz equality
constant symbol eq {a} : τ a ⇒ τ a ⇒ Prop
set infix 1 "=" ≔ eq
constant symbol eq_refl {a} (x:τ a) : π (x = x)
constant symbol eq_ind {a} (x y:τ a) :
                       π (x = y) ⇒ ∀p, π (p y) ⇒ π (p x)

theorem ksf : ∀n, π (eq nat n n)
gabrielhdt commented 4 years ago

Perhaps implicits: the first argument of eq is marked as implicits, so it should be

∀n, π (eq {nat} n n)

shouldn't it?

fblanqui commented 4 years ago

Why should we use package-delete?

gabrielhdt commented 4 years ago

If you want to remove the lambdapi emacs mode.

amelieled commented 4 years ago

I have the same problem after "M-x package-delete RET lambdapi-mode-0". And I have no problem when I wrote (except an error about inference...) :

theorem ksf : ∀n, π (eq nat n n)

but after add { }, the %CPU becomes egal to 100 :

theorem ksf : ∀n, π (eq {nat} n n)
gabrielhdt commented 4 years ago

I can reproduce: lambdapi check <last example> loops with the implicit argument added.

gabrielhdt commented 4 years ago

Ah! I found the culprit,

definition N ≔ τ nat
rule τ nat        → N

The definition is like a rewrite rule, so you have a non terminating rewrite system here.

fblanqui commented 4 years ago

How is it possible to add a rule to a definition? This should generate an error! This is a bug.

gabrielhdt commented 4 years ago

I think you can't add rule N -> ... but I am not sure we want to forbid rewriting terms that are themselves definitions.

fblanqui commented 4 years ago

No, this is not a bug. It's perfectly fine to write this, syntactically, except that it does not terminate.

@amelieled , simply write definition N := \tau nat or symbol N:TYPE rule \tau nat -> N, but not both.

rlepigre commented 4 years ago

So what was the problem in the end? Could someone update the title of the issue accordingly?

amelieled commented 4 years ago

The problem is : I defined a rewriting system which not terminate, because the difference between to syntax. Now, I know that definition N := \tau nat is the same that :

symbol N:TYPE 
rule \tau nat -> N

A correct solution is so :

// Property type
constant symbol Prop : TYPE
set declared "π"
injective symbol π : Prop ⇒ TYPE

// Set type
constant symbol Set : TYPE
set declared "τ"
injective symbol τ : Set ⇒ TYPE

// Boolean type
constant symbol bool : Set
constant symbol B : TYPE
rule τ bool       → B
constant symbol true : B
constant symbol false : B

// Nat type
constant symbol nat  : Set
constant symbol N : TYPE
rule τ nat        → N
constant symbol zero : N
constant symbol succ : N ⇒ N
set builtin "0"  ≔ zero
set builtin "+1" ≔ succ

// Leibniz equality
constant symbol eq {a} : τ a ⇒ τ a ⇒ Prop
set infix 1 "=" ≔ eq
constant symbol eq_refl {a} (x:τ a) : π (x = x)
constant symbol eq_ind {a} (x y:τ a) :
                       π (x = y) ⇒ ∀p, π (p y) ⇒ π (p x)

theorem ksf : ∀n, π (eq {nat} n n)

But, I thing it's very useful to check the terminaison before run a process at 100% CPU.

rlepigre commented 4 years ago

But, I thing it's very useful to check the terminaison before run a process at 100% CPU.

Well, we can't really do that because that is not the main goal of Lambdapi. And this is the same problem you could have with any program, written in any programming language: if your program loops it just loops and it is gonna use up your CPU time. In any case, lambdapi is a use process so it should not take over your machine.

amelieled commented 4 years ago

Yes but a warning about that it'll be very beneficial. In my case, I never managed to turn off emacs, even with "kill -9 ..." because another process was created to take over. The only way to stop the problem was to turn off my machine.

rlepigre commented 4 years ago

That is not normal, you should be able to stop the LSP server somehow. Or at least to tell the LSP mode to stop sending updates for a while. Is there such a thing @gabrielhdt?

rlepigre commented 4 years ago

It is actually important to be able to interrupt the LSP mode manually in case there is potential non-termination going on.

ejgallego commented 4 years ago

Yes, adding an "interrupt" command is in the todo list; this should be easy to do; I'm ultra stomped now guys but here is a few tips:

The ideal way to handle this similar how Isabelle does; checking runs in their own thread, and when the user provides some input / diff on something that's being checked the thread is killed.

So that's fully transparent by the user, and can be tweaking to be lazier [for example when on battery]

gabrielhdt commented 4 years ago

That is not normal, you should be able to stop the LSP server somehow. Or at least to tell the LSP mode to stop sending updates for a while. Is there such a thing @gabrielhdt?

I think kill-ing -9 emacs should do the trick, although it's a bit brutal. I am not aware of any smoother method.

Edit: I think I misunderstood your question, to inhibit the lsp in emacs, there is "M-x eglot-shutdown" but if everything is running at 100%, it might no be easy to input the command...

rlepigre commented 4 years ago

in the current architecture, the best choice is to bind the VSCode interrupt command so it sends a signal to the lsp server.

@ejgallego do you mean that we have to capture SIGINT and only interrupt the currently running task in the LSP server? Is there anything particular to do on the client side for Emacs (for example)?

ejgallego commented 4 years ago

@ejgallego do you mean that we have to capture SIGINT and only interrupt the currently running task in the LSP server?

Indeed, as of today using Sys.catch_break plus catching Break should work fine in Linux / OSX,

You can catch this in the main loop of the LSP server, and just continue the loop in the proper state.

Is there anything particular to do on the client side for Emacs (for example)?

This is not standard for LSP I think, so indeed you need to add a command that sends the sigint to the lsp server; as the protocol is mostly stateless there is nothing else to do [great advantage of stateless protocols!]

ejgallego commented 4 years ago

Once you move to a two-process architecture, indeed the control process would take care of sending the sigint when needed [maybe a timeout, the user edits that sentence, etc...]

There is no notion of explicit cancellation in LSP, but IMHO it is OK for the proof use case to extend the protocol with a cancel checking command once the control server can actually implement it.

francoisthire commented 4 years ago

A naive remark but why using Lwt would not work instead of waiting for OCaml multicore?

ejgallego commented 4 years ago

A naive remark but why using Lwt would not work instead of waiting for OCaml multicore?

Using Lwt is a bit orthogonal here, it provides library help but doesn't solve any of the fundamental problems in implementing an interrupt command. There is not need to wait for OCaml multicore, the two other proposals do work now, in the short, and medium term.