DeeMcCart / CI_PP5_Jeweller

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User Story: Create Project structures #11

Closed DeeMcCart closed 7 months ago

DeeMcCart commented 7 months ago

EPIC: Agile #10

As a scrum master/developer I can follow Agile principles so that project functionality is achieved incrementally across sprints

Assumptions or Pre-Requisites:

Acceptance Criteria: (Must be completed before task is moved to 'Done')


Before changing task status to 'Review' or 'Done' please provide comment (and screenprints if appropriate) as documentary evidence of task completion

DeeMcCart commented 7 months ago

The project setup probably best illustrated by showing the Kanban board at end of Sprint1: At this point the project structures are in place and have been used for the first Sprint, there are only a small number of issues on the board as first task for Sprint2 is to add the functional user stories to issues.

Issue/Task View: agile-kanban-issues

EPIC view: agile-kanban-epic-view