DeeMcCart / CI_PP5_Jeweller

Jewellery website for CI Project 5
0 stars 2 forks source link

User Story: FTU_17 Create checkout order from basket #19

Closed DeeMcCart closed 7 months ago

DeeMcCart commented 7 months ago

EPIC: #16

Assumptions or Pre-Requisites:

Acceptance Criteria: (Must be completed before task is moved to 'Done')


Before changing task status to 'Review' or 'Done' please provide comment (and screenprints if appropriate) as documentary evidence of task completion

DeeMcCart commented 7 months ago

DMcC 05/02/24 Yep working on this but have an issue with the order total not showing as expected, it saves as 0 even though the total verified with Stripe is correct. Sprint 2 Review - closing out this issue have created Task #41 to resolve issue with order total value 0 saved to table.

DeeMcCart commented 7 months ago

User receives order confirmation:


Payment goes through to (test) Stripe:
