DeeMcCart / CI_PP5_Jeweller

Jewellery website for CI Project 5
0 stars 2 forks source link

Task: Setup repo/ workspace/ core site html and css #2

Closed DeeMcCart closed 7 months ago

DeeMcCart commented 7 months ago

EPIC: #1

As a role I can capability so that received benefit

Assumptions or Pre-Requisites:


Acceptance Criteria: (Must be completed before task is moved to 'Done')


Before changing task status to 'Review' or 'Done' please provide comment (and screenprints if appropriate) as documentary evidence of task completion

DeeMcCart commented 7 months ago

Done 22-23/01/24

DeeMcCart commented 7 months ago

Returned to this Sunday 28/01; added foter with social links; worked on responsiveness. Broke base.html into sub-html include files as was stuggling to understand the logic. XS S M: Compressed navbar (with search icon and dropdown to search field) & hamburger filters L XL: wider navbar (with a full field for search button) with sub-navbar showing filter categories leading to drop down menus per filter cat. This still needs a tidy-up as the XS-M screens not showin gin list format, will return to this later ;-)




L, XL:
