DeeMcCart / CI_PP5_Jeweller

Jewellery website for CI Project 5
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User Story: First Deploy #8

Closed DeeMcCart closed 7 months ago

DeeMcCart commented 7 months ago

EPIC: #7

As a system owner I can deploy and re-deploy the system so that I can apply continuous improvements to the site

Assumptions or Pre-Requisites:

Acceptance Criteria: (Must be completed before task is moved to 'Done')


Before changing task status to 'Review' or 'Done' please provide comment (and screenprints if appropriate) as documentary evidence of task completion

DeeMcCart commented 7 months ago

24/01/24: first attempt - seemed to build the app but not run. Realised I'd forgotten to set DEBUG = False also attempted to use the command python3 collectstatic but it cancelled within the console?

2nd attempt - set DEBUG = False and re-comitted. Tried adding node.js to dependencies as thought this might be relevant (subsequently checked and NodeJS wasnt a dependency on Boutique Ado/Reloved projects) Removed this depdency for 3rd attempt

3rd attempt: dependency is PythonJS only. No config variables set. Got errr: (see attached hroku logs)

240124 Heroku logs deploy 3rd attempt.txt

4th attempt: set DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC=1 on Heroku side.

DeeMcCart commented 7 months ago

4th attempt: with DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC=1 on Heroku config variables App deploys OK but does not run (yikes, this feels familiar to me from last weeks Hackathon) Heroku web Logs don't give a lot of information, so will try using the Heroku command-line interface instead

240124 Heroku logs deploy 4th attempt.txt

OK checked against a previous implemented Reloved PP5 Heroku app and see that it has resources web gunicorn reloved wsgi:application ..... err i dont remember installing gunicorn within my django project; will do so now.

Installed gunicorn

Added Procfile in root folder with contents: web: gunicorn yourproject.wsgi --log-file -

Also added missing statement to STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'staticfiles') then ran python3 collectstatic

DeeMcCart commented 7 months ago

5th attempt: OK making progress, can see that the 'Resource' tab on heroku now has the Procfile contents, and an attempt is made to run the server. Gets a 400 error, I think this is becuase ALLOWED_HOSTS doesnt yet have the URL

DeeMcCart commented 7 months ago

Kept working on this Friday 25/01/24 but still getting 500 error on the Heroku site, even though its deployed OK. Checked through Slack to see if anyone came across it. Suggestion: ACCOUNT_EMAIL_VERIFICATION = 'None' - this had been set to 'Mandatory' Still getting 500 error - set DEBUG = True as a configurable parameter and got some better feedback from the deployed site (see below)

DeeMcCart commented 7 months ago

Got a successful deploy when Debug=True, park this for now and review later:


DeeMcCart commented 7 months ago

However issues with the allauth templates:

attempt to see register prage:


attempt to see login page

DeeMcCart commented 7 months ago

End of Sprint1 - Closing off this issue. Deployment has been created, even if not running successfully.Raised an bug #13 for the error above.

DeeMcCart commented 7 months ago

14/02/24 DMcC - Closing out this EPIC as believe done even if issues not fully resolved, has been surpassed b =y successive deploy using Amazon S3 backend for static files