As a Product Owner I can assign effectivity dates to articles so that I can keep content fresh
As a Site User I want to see relevant articles to achieve avoid information overload
As a Content creator I want to create certain time-bound articles so that I can link with marketing capaigns
Assumptions or Pre-Requisites:
Some articles (e.g. 'April is financial literacy month', 'Student Grants') are timebound and recur every year/ cylical, and would like them to appear from a certain date and disappear after a certain date each year
Some articles (e.g. accessing UK pension from overseas) are timebound and expire at a particular date, after which they should not display.
Woudl like to flag 'New' up on an article when it first appears (or reappears) on the site
Acceptance Criteria: (Must be completed before task is moved to 'Done')
[ ] Must have effecitve dates from and to - these could be in form of DD/MM or DD/MM/YY
[ ] These effective dates can be used to calculate & apply a 'draft' vs 'ppublished' status change for a given article
[ ] Task1 Add start & end effective dates to individual articles
[ ] Task2 Add to admin console for maintenance
[ ] Task3 Allow for date entry as a string and be able to parse it out ie 01/03/24 for a specific date in a the year 2024, or 01/03 where the year will change. (or maybe use multiple fields start day, start month, start year (leave blank if this is a recurring topic which should display for every year).
[ ] Task4 Consider implementing as 'campaign' whereby a particular campaign may be linked to one or more articles and thereby drive theiir effective dates (therefore the datae assessment would be at campaign level??? Could be tricky where one article is linked with multiple campaigns...
Before changing task status to 'Review' or 'Done' please provide comment (and screenprints if appropriate) as documentary evidence of task completion
As a Product Owner I can assign effectivity dates to articles so that I can keep content fresh As a Site User I want to see relevant articles to achieve avoid information overload
As a Content creator I want to create certain time-bound articles so that I can link with marketing capaigns
Assumptions or Pre-Requisites:
Acceptance Criteria: (Must be completed before task is moved to 'Done')
Before changing task status to 'Review' or 'Done' please provide comment (and screenprints if appropriate) as documentary evidence of task completion