DeedleFake / trayscale

An unofficial GUI wrapper around the Tailscale CLI client.
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No systray icon in chadwm (dwm fork) #55

Open etrigan63 opened 1 year ago

etrigan63 commented 1 year ago

I installed trayscale from the AUR, Chaotic-AUR, and Flatpak and I get the following error on launch:

2023/04/05 10:14:38 systray error: failed to register our icon with the notifier watcher (maybe no tray is running?): The name org.kde.StatusNotifierWatcher was not provided by any .service files

Since chadwm/dwm is a window manager and not a full DE, what is the dependency for supporting the systray icon?

DeedleFake commented 1 year ago

I haven't used dwm in a very long time and I've never used chadwm. From what I remember, dwm does not have a system tray built in. I believe I used to use Trayer, though that project is quite likely very out of date at this point. Do you get system tray icons from other programs that have them such as Discord or Steam?

etrigan63 commented 1 year ago

image See for yourself.

etrigan63 commented 1 year ago

Here is the code that controls it: image

DeedleFake commented 1 year ago

I read through their code and from what I can tell chadwm does not support the newer, D-Bus-based system for system tray icons. It uses the older X11 System Tray Protocol. Trayscale uses for the systray icon, and their implementation only supports the D-Bus protocol, so yeah, Trayscale's system tray icon will not work in chadwm. Sorry. Unfortunately, there isn't really a viable workaround, either, as most other system tray client implementations use Gtk3 internally and, as I mentioned in #30, that's not possible to use in a Gtk4 app.

I'll leave this open as a reminder that this should be fixed if it ever really becomes possible to do so, but don't expect it anytime soon.

etrigan63 commented 1 year ago

On the bright side, it works perfectly on hyprland (a Wayland desktop).

macxcool commented 11 months ago

I have the same problem on i3wm, in the previous version of trayscale and the current version. I'm also on Arch and installing from the AUR.

Jacalz commented 4 days ago

I think this should be closed due to the same reason as