DeedleFake / trayscale

An unofficial GUI wrapper around the Tailscale CLI client.
MIT License
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Enhancement Request: Would like to be able to have peers grouped by tags in the peer list. #94

Open bmcgonag opened 8 months ago

bmcgonag commented 8 months ago

I haven't found anyway to group nodes other than tagging, but the peer list eventually gets really long, and having the list be able to be grouped by tag (maybe a collapsbile of some sort) would be really great.

Love this application by the way, so thank your for building an sharing it!

DeedleFake commented 8 months ago

I can take a look, but unfortunately the ability to customize the list is fairly limited in Gtk4. I'm waiting on Libadwaita 1.4 support in gotk4-adw to swap to the new AdwNavigationView, which might give some more flexibility, but I'm not sure if that'll allow for something like list with collapsible elements and sub-elements. I could probably sort using tags, though. I might also be able to add a search at some point.

bmcgonag commented 7 months ago

Anything would help, and i appreciate you looking at it even. This is a superb implementation.

oatmealm commented 1 month ago

Search would be great!