Deeds101 / CYBR8420-project

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Use/Misuse Case 1 (Client Portal/Database) #11

Closed DoomDragoon closed 1 year ago

DoomDragoon commented 1 year ago

Will work API call features

DoomDragoon commented 1 year ago

Remote Software API CAll drawio First draft of use case - Remote assist through an API call Not sure if this is right. My first inclination is no...

Atmcalpine commented 1 year ago

Are there any points where a bad actor could intentionally/unintentionally exploit the process? I feel like there should be some additional detail added to this diagram.

DoomDragoon commented 1 year ago

Ill add a pagination attack or key generation attack tonight. Not sure where they should go yet.

DoomDragoon commented 1 year ago

Redoing diagram. Unhappy with previous features.

DoomDragoon commented 1 year ago

D SQL Injection drawio iagram draft part Deux

DoomDragoon commented 1 year ago

SQL Injection drawio Things are really starting to get out of hand...

DoomDragoon commented 1 year ago

SQL Injection drawio Reduced the amount of CHAOS in the diagram

bdog711998 commented 1 year ago

This second version is much easier to follow the flow of and read after the edit of the initial "Chaos"

Atmcalpine commented 1 year ago

Looks good. Just a couple of questions/comments. Should the "Database" item be a box with a single line instead of an oval? Also, are there any additional levels of threats/controls that could be leveraged for the system controls you referenced?

DoomDragoon commented 1 year ago

I was wondering about the box vs oval as well. I think I will be changing it to a box. Not sure about other levels. May have to think on that. Updated diagram is below. SQL Injection drawio

DoomDragoon commented 1 year ago

Diagram completed after multiple revisions and peer review