Deeds101 / CYBR8420-project

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Use/Misuse Case 6 (Email Tracker) #16

Closed DoomDragoon closed 9 months ago

DoomDragoon commented 10 months ago

Kendra will work on Email Tracker feature

kdherrm88 commented 10 months ago

uploaded use/misuse case diagram rough draft

DoomDragoon commented 10 months ago

One thing I would change with your rough draft is make the colors black. Im not sure how important that is, its just what all the lectures show. I will ask about it on our check in to be certain.

Atmcalpine commented 10 months ago

Was the diagram deleted? I'm not able to view it for some reason.

DoomDragoon commented 10 months ago

Its in the folder on the main branch

kdherrm88 commented 10 months ago

I did it in visio, I can change it after today

kdherrm88 commented 10 months ago

use misuse Case

kdherrm88 commented 9 months ago

use misuse case

kdherrm88 commented 9 months ago

Added updated use/misuse case here. When created in it is a white background, don't know why it's showing as black here. Colors are inverted.

Cojajomaco commented 9 months ago

I would see about condensing your diagram to be direct correlations. The use cases, I believe, should be assumed to work and be “positives”. The misuses should directly counteract one of the use cases to iteratively improve upon security controls.

kdherrm88 commented 9 months ago

use misuse case (email tracking)

Deeds101 commented 9 months ago

What I would add is arrows to show the dependencies, It makes the diagram overall easier to read. This is looking really good so far.

kdherrm88 commented 9 months ago

use misuse case (email tracking)

kdherrm88 commented 9 months ago

added arrows

Atmcalpine commented 9 months ago

I'm not sure I understand how the threat of flooding the inbox with excessive tickets would threaten emails not being placed in the correct inbox folder. I would think this would only exacerbate the issue. Might need to tweak this section.

kdherrm88 commented 9 months ago

In reviewing the forum for ITFlow, there was a ticket created for them to address an issue where an email was sent into the IT Helpdesk for a company and it continually created new tickets within the ITFlow dashboard. This could potentially cause problems if the emails were automatically routed to the folder to create a ticket, and since the parser runs with a cronjob, it could easily overload the dashboard, and eventually the IT Helpdesk workers. According to the forum, this issue was fixed with a code push 5 days ago.