Deeds101 / CYBR8420-project

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Claim Assurance Case #5 - RBAC #26

Closed DoomDragoon closed 9 months ago

Deeds101 commented 9 months ago

Potential claim for Role Based Access control: Role Based Access control provides sufficient access to user accounts

Deeds101 commented 9 months ago

Talking to the professor i have adjusted my claim: ITFlow provides secure access to roles in the environment.

Deeds101 commented 9 months ago

Draft 1 RBAC within ITFlow:


kdherrm88 commented 9 months ago

Good call on referencing other claims, and I like the sub-claims. Do you think there could be an undermining claim added anywhere?

Deeds101 commented 9 months ago

That's what i was thinking about adding next, i just needed some time to think of more security related issues with the role based access controls.

Deeds101 commented 9 months ago

RBAC Assurance claim draft 2:

Added more information as well as took teammates comments into consideration.


DoomDragoon commented 9 months ago

This might just be my OCD but making the evidence bubbles larger might help with readability. Dont forget to ad E1, E2 etc to your evidence.

Atmcalpine commented 9 months ago

I believe the undermine items need to begin with an "unless..." statement.

Deeds101 commented 9 months ago

RBAC Assurance Case Final Draft:
