This cross-platform tool helps to make software projects more portable, modular, reusable and reproducible across continuously changing software, hardware and data. It is being developed by the open MLCommons taskforce to reduce development, benchmarking, optimization and deployment time for ML and AI systems.
Extend file test-cm-tutorial-tvm.yml to test TVM (TFLite front-end) in regular CI. The pipeline run time should not change, so testing TFLite and ONNX should be run in parallel GH Action jobs.
The result of the work should be PR in CK.
Extend file test-cm-tutorial-tvm.yml to test TVM (TFLite front-end) in regular CI. The pipeline run time should not change, so testing TFLite and ONNX should be run in parallel GH Action jobs. The result of the work should be PR in CK.