Deep-MI / LaPy

Toolbox for Differential Geometry on Triangle and Tetrahedra Meshes (FEM, Laplace, Poisson, Heat Flow ...)
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Orthonormal eigenvectors #39

Closed sina-mansour closed 1 year ago

sina-mansour commented 1 year ago

Question/Support Request


I'm using Lapy to generate Laplace Beltrami Operators of a surface mesh.

In my experience, the eigenvectors generated by lapy.solver.Solver(mesh).eigs are neither orthogonal, nor unit norm vectors. I wanted to check if this is expected behavior? Given that the mesh structure is a symmetric matrix, should the eigenvectors be orthonormal?


Here's a heatmap of the dot product of pairs of eigenvectors for the first 20 eigenvectors:


And here's what other tools (like numpy.linalg.eigs) would generate. Note that for orthonormal eigenvectors, the dot products on the diagonal are all one (because of the unit norm) and off-diagonal values are all zero (because of orthogonality). I think the Lapy eigenvectors should have ideally been orthonormal too:



m-reuter commented 1 year ago

Hi, this is a generalised eigenvalue problem A x=lambda B x (see ) and the eigenvectors will be B-orthonormal: x1^t B x2 = 0 ...